Ziablitsev S. V., Starodubska O. O., Bogza S. L. Analysis of the Neurologic Deficit under the Traumatic Brain Injury and Methods of Its Correction. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(1):525-533. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.545846 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4402 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 754 (09.12.2016). 754 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creativ...
Filarecka Agnieszka, Biernacki Maciej, Jęchorek Michał, Leksowski Łukasz. Physiotherapy of patients ...
Łanowy Patrycja, Szczygieł Jarosław. Patient with dysexecutive syndrome after brain injury - case re...
Stoyanov O. M., Son A. S., Vastyanov R. S., Turchin N. I., Gruzevsky O. A., Yermuraki P. P., Dzygal ...
Objective of the research. Provide the analysis of the neurologic deficit in dynamics under the expe...
Ziablitsev S. V., Starodubska O. O., Diadyk O. O. Influence of carbacetam on neurologic destruction ...
Bogdanovska Nadezhda. The tactics of the restoration of the movement of the upper limb after a poste...
Hertsev V. N., Stoyanov A. N., Bocherova T. I. Applied clinical and pathogenetic aspects of interdis...
Volodymyr Golyk. Features of physical rehabilitation of the persons after a postered traumatic brain...
Aymedov K. V. Medical-psychological support of the children with consequences of traumatic brain inj...
Kulesza Bartłomiej, Litak Jakub, Grochowski Cezary, Kulesza Jacek, Nogalski Adam. Urazowe uszkodzeni...
Ostapenko I. O. The perspectives of pharmacological correction of depressive disorders and cognitive...
Pletenetska A. Characteristics of diagnostic defects in traumatic brain injury (forensic medical app...
Pletnetskaya A. O. Forensic estimation of medical aid rendered to the patients died with traumatic b...
This paper aims to give a brief overview on traumatic brain injuries’ (TBIs) main pathophysiological...
Publisher\u27s description of the book: This revised and greatly expanded Third Edition of Brain Inj...
Filarecka Agnieszka, Biernacki Maciej, Jęchorek Michał, Leksowski Łukasz. Physiotherapy of patients ...
Łanowy Patrycja, Szczygieł Jarosław. Patient with dysexecutive syndrome after brain injury - case re...
Stoyanov O. M., Son A. S., Vastyanov R. S., Turchin N. I., Gruzevsky O. A., Yermuraki P. P., Dzygal ...
Objective of the research. Provide the analysis of the neurologic deficit in dynamics under the expe...
Ziablitsev S. V., Starodubska O. O., Diadyk O. O. Influence of carbacetam on neurologic destruction ...
Bogdanovska Nadezhda. The tactics of the restoration of the movement of the upper limb after a poste...
Hertsev V. N., Stoyanov A. N., Bocherova T. I. Applied clinical and pathogenetic aspects of interdis...
Volodymyr Golyk. Features of physical rehabilitation of the persons after a postered traumatic brain...
Aymedov K. V. Medical-psychological support of the children with consequences of traumatic brain inj...
Kulesza Bartłomiej, Litak Jakub, Grochowski Cezary, Kulesza Jacek, Nogalski Adam. Urazowe uszkodzeni...
Ostapenko I. O. The perspectives of pharmacological correction of depressive disorders and cognitive...
Pletenetska A. Characteristics of diagnostic defects in traumatic brain injury (forensic medical app...
Pletnetskaya A. O. Forensic estimation of medical aid rendered to the patients died with traumatic b...
This paper aims to give a brief overview on traumatic brain injuries’ (TBIs) main pathophysiological...
Publisher\u27s description of the book: This revised and greatly expanded Third Edition of Brain Inj...
Filarecka Agnieszka, Biernacki Maciej, Jęchorek Michał, Leksowski Łukasz. Physiotherapy of patients ...
Łanowy Patrycja, Szczygieł Jarosław. Patient with dysexecutive syndrome after brain injury - case re...
Stoyanov O. M., Son A. S., Vastyanov R. S., Turchin N. I., Gruzevsky O. A., Yermuraki P. P., Dzygal ...