22. Common Pygmy Fruit Bat Aethalops alecto French: Cynoptére pygmée / German: Gewohnlicher Zwergflughund / Spanish: Aethalops pigmeo Other common names: Pygmy Fruit Bat Taxonomy. Aethalodes alecto Thomas, 1923, “Indrapura Peak, Sumatra [Indonesia]. Alt. 7300" [= 2225 m].” Three subspecies are recognized. Subspecies and Distribution. A.a.alectoThomas,1923—WPeninsularMalaysiaandWSumatra. A.a.boeadntKitcheneretal,1993—BaliandLombokIs. A. a. ocypete Boeadi & Hill, 1986 — Java. Descriptive notes. Head-body 63-75 mm (tailless), ear 9-15 mm, hindfoot 9-14 mm, forearm 43-48 mm; weight 17-22- 5 g. Head of the Common Pygmy Fruit Bat has moderately elongated muzzle and is naked with blackish skin; nostrils are shortly tubular a...