Workaround fix for sam files with no reads causing failure in bamsort. This is likely only to occur during normal panel generation
v0.1.0 (development) drastically reduce the warning message output. add field=['DP2'] for bam file...
VCF: Better compression of Isaac/starling files Recognized SAM files even if they incorrectly have a...
Updated to CAMB version 1.3.2 Updated to GetDist 1.3 Fix for output of tensor derived parameters Add...
Stable release for working with BAMs passed through mismatch QC Works with data not handled in this ...
A silent failure in the construction of pindel alignment BAM files was introduced in v3.0.0 resultin...
Handling of Read Groups annotation in BAM files Correction of a bug in AnnotateBAM that was using mu...
Bugfixes for MRNM problem - produces now clean BAM files without any issues, off-by-1 errors resolve...
version-1.7 2023-07-12 - fix merge (issue#73) we remove the samtools dependency and build bam unsi...
This release features: Switch to samtools-1.10, adding speed and CRAM support Docker image Document...
This release fixed the following bugs. SEQ and QUAL in SAM are now correct for reverse complementar...
This release fixes: Correct version is now reported with --version (only works with cloned source: g...
This release removes features deprecated in previous versions. All future v1.x.x versions will be ba...
Properly output the paired-end information (rnext, pnext and tlen) in SAM format Support the gzipped...
Patch release for 1.1.0: Fix the index of bam alignment sam2lca output files when split by ran
Fixed problems with older versions of samtools which caused crashes due to missing "secondary reads"...
v0.1.0 (development) drastically reduce the warning message output. add field=['DP2'] for bam file...
VCF: Better compression of Isaac/starling files Recognized SAM files even if they incorrectly have a...
Updated to CAMB version 1.3.2 Updated to GetDist 1.3 Fix for output of tensor derived parameters Add...
Stable release for working with BAMs passed through mismatch QC Works with data not handled in this ...
A silent failure in the construction of pindel alignment BAM files was introduced in v3.0.0 resultin...
Handling of Read Groups annotation in BAM files Correction of a bug in AnnotateBAM that was using mu...
Bugfixes for MRNM problem - produces now clean BAM files without any issues, off-by-1 errors resolve...
version-1.7 2023-07-12 - fix merge (issue#73) we remove the samtools dependency and build bam unsi...
This release features: Switch to samtools-1.10, adding speed and CRAM support Docker image Document...
This release fixed the following bugs. SEQ and QUAL in SAM are now correct for reverse complementar...
This release fixes: Correct version is now reported with --version (only works with cloned source: g...
This release removes features deprecated in previous versions. All future v1.x.x versions will be ba...
Properly output the paired-end information (rnext, pnext and tlen) in SAM format Support the gzipped...
Patch release for 1.1.0: Fix the index of bam alignment sam2lca output files when split by ran
Fixed problems with older versions of samtools which caused crashes due to missing "secondary reads"...
v0.1.0 (development) drastically reduce the warning message output. add field=['DP2'] for bam file...
VCF: Better compression of Isaac/starling files Recognized SAM files even if they incorrectly have a...
Updated to CAMB version 1.3.2 Updated to GetDist 1.3 Fix for output of tensor derived parameters Add...