391. Golden Myous Myotis midastactus French: Murin midas / German: Goldgelbes Mausohr / Spanish: Ratonero dorado Other common names: Midas Myotis Taxonomy. Myotis midastactus Moratelli & Wilson, 2014, “Cercado, Rio Mamoré, Beni, Bolivia, about 23 km W of San Javier (1434S, 64°B5"W).” Subgenus Pyzonix; ruber species group. Myotis midastactus was recently described from 28 specimens originally identified as Myotis simus. Monotypic. Distribution. Known only from Bolivia (Beni and Santa Cruz departments) and Paraguay (Presidente Hayes Departament). Descriptive notes. Head—body ¢. 50-59 mm, tail 36-41 mm, ear 12-15 mm, hindfoot 8-11 mm, forearm 38-2—40- 7 mm; weight 6-11 g. The Golden Myotis is morphologically similar to the ...