Pogonomelomys sevia (Tate and Archbold, 1935). Am. Mus. Novit., 803:3. TYPE LOCALITY: Papua New Guinea, Morobe Prov., Huon Peninsula, Cromwell Range, Sevia, 1400 m. DISTRIBUTION: New Guinea; Central Cordillera of Papua New Guinea from Star Mtns in the west to the Wau region of Morobe Prov. in the east, including mountains of Huon Peninsula (Flannery, 1990b; Menzies, 1990). SYNONYMS: tatei. COMMENTS: Originally described as a species of Melomys by Tate and Archbold (1935) and subsequently transferred to Pogonomelomys by Rümmler (1938) where it remained (Laurie and Hill, 1954; Tate, 1951) until Menzies (1990) made sevia the type species of Abeomelomys. The species has always been considered distinctive compared to mayeri and bruijnii ...