Brachiglossum calceatum Rondani, 1857 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1857: 220 (key), 221 (description). TYPE LOCALITY: “ ad colle ditionis Parmensis [Parmese hill (Italy)]”. TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♀, syntype (MZUF: Box 8): Brachiglossum Rnd. / calceatum Rnd., ♀ / 377. CURRENT STATUS: valid species, as Leopoldius calceatus (Chvála & Smith 1988: 247, Rivosecchi & Scaramozzino 1995: 2, Stuke 2017: 57). REMARKS: Rondani (1857: 221) described Brachiglossum calceatum from just the female sex without specifying the exact number of specimens, but giving a single measurement of length: “ Semel capta foemina [the female collected once]”. We found one female syntype in this study. The MZUF also contains a male numbered “377”, which Stuke ...