364. Hidden Tube-nosed Bat Murina recondita French: Murine terne / German: Versteckte Rohrennase / Spanish: Ratonero narizudo oculto Other common names: Dun Tube-nosed Bat, Faint-colored Tube-nosed Bat Taxonomy. Murina recondita Kuo Haochih et al, 2009, “ Taiwan, Hualien County, Jhuosi Township, Rueisuei logging road, 1,300.m, 23°20'54.2"N, 121°16’ 42.8"E." See M. eleryi. Monotypic. Distribution. Taiwan I. Descriptive notes. Forearm 28-31- 3 mm. Fur silky. Dorsal pelage is medium brown or yellowish brown (hairs with black bases, light gray fading to light yellowish brown toward tips, followed by black tips), with scattered bright yellow and shiny golden guard hairs (some had copper-tipped guard hairs); venteris grayish w...