Centris (Melanocentris) scutellata Friese, 1901 (Figures 13‒16) Centris fusciventris scutellata Friese, 1901. 273. Type data: According to Moure et al. (2007) the male and female syntypes are housed at ZMB, but they were not found there. A single male from the type series was found at HNHM and it is here designated lectotype. The specimen has the following data label: [light greenish square] 26 [handwritten]\ Chiriqui Mocsàry [handwritten]\ C. fusciventris v. scutellata Mocs. ³ [handwritten] det. Friese 1898 [printed]. Another male specimen from Chiriqui was found at MNHP with the following data label: [orange square label without text]\ Chiriqui \ fusciventris Mocs v. scutellata Fr. \ Museum Paris Coll. J. Pérez 1915. Despite its pro...