Centris confinis Pérez, 1905 Centris confinis Pérez, 1905: 40 (junior synonym of C. nitida Smith, 1874). Type data This species was described based on an undetermined number of females. A single specimen of the type series was found at MNHN that was interpreted as “type” by Snelling (1984). This assumption can be considered a valid lectotype designation (ICZN 1999: article 74.6). The specimen bears the following data label: TYPE [printed in red]\ Centris confinis J. P. [handwritten]\ Type [handwritten with blue ink] (MNHN). Type locality “ Mexique?”.Published as part of Vivallo, Felipe, 2023, The primary types of some species of Centris bees described by European entomologists in the 18 and 20 centuries (Hymenoptera: Apidae), pp. ...