Lord of the flies is a classic novel written by Golding in 1954. The story closely follows the journey of school boys accidentally stranded on an island, indefinitely, due to a plane crash. With an injured pilot and no salvation on the horizon, the boys organise themselves into a semblance of a society. Still guileless and untouched by the politics of the outer world, the boys make their own rules which surprisingly indicate patterns similar to the socio-political backdrop of this story. The key characters of this poignant and fresh work of fiction are Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Simon and Roger. The periphery characters act as symbols of minute changes occurring, together snowballing and leading to the savagery these boys regress to. Through the l...
This essay aims at a group of little boys, aged between six and twelve, who once happen to meet in a...
Since time immemorial, human beings have exhibited an unquenchable thirst for power which has often ...
The research is an attempt to stop the gaps in methodical developments of lessons and in textbooks o...
This study inquires into the intricacies of the human mind, as portrayed through the character of Pi...
One’s personality development and its influence in life is one of the psychological issue portray...
The aims of the study were to reveal the cause of personality development on children’s characters a...
The objective of this study is to prove that the absence of society restraints can cause the falling...
The present paper aims at a close analysis of two novels that bring to light the issue of human beha...
The essay explored the connection between the deviation of the children’s behavioral patterns and th...
This article critically analyzes Golding's Lord of the Flies to investigate how human nature was all...
This thesis is intended to find out the negative character changes undergone by the refugees and som...
ENGLISH: Everyone will be worried when faced with a problem, where she has to decide and do somet...
The current study aims at exploring the working of Ghazalian nafs e Lawwama and Freudian superego in...
This research work sets out to highlight the influence exercised by the environment on human being’s...
skripsi ini membahas perilaku kekerasan Jack Merridew yang digambarkan oleh William Golding dalam no...
This essay aims at a group of little boys, aged between six and twelve, who once happen to meet in a...
Since time immemorial, human beings have exhibited an unquenchable thirst for power which has often ...
The research is an attempt to stop the gaps in methodical developments of lessons and in textbooks o...
This study inquires into the intricacies of the human mind, as portrayed through the character of Pi...
One’s personality development and its influence in life is one of the psychological issue portray...
The aims of the study were to reveal the cause of personality development on children’s characters a...
The objective of this study is to prove that the absence of society restraints can cause the falling...
The present paper aims at a close analysis of two novels that bring to light the issue of human beha...
The essay explored the connection between the deviation of the children’s behavioral patterns and th...
This article critically analyzes Golding's Lord of the Flies to investigate how human nature was all...
This thesis is intended to find out the negative character changes undergone by the refugees and som...
ENGLISH: Everyone will be worried when faced with a problem, where she has to decide and do somet...
The current study aims at exploring the working of Ghazalian nafs e Lawwama and Freudian superego in...
This research work sets out to highlight the influence exercised by the environment on human being’s...
skripsi ini membahas perilaku kekerasan Jack Merridew yang digambarkan oleh William Golding dalam no...
This essay aims at a group of little boys, aged between six and twelve, who once happen to meet in a...
Since time immemorial, human beings have exhibited an unquenchable thirst for power which has often ...
The research is an attempt to stop the gaps in methodical developments of lessons and in textbooks o...