Makarczuk Anna, Kowalewski Michał. Physical activity and body posture of younger school children in the opinion of parents. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2020;10(12):138-150. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. § 8. 2) and § 12. 1. 2) 22.02.2019. © The Authors 2020; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Att...
Mrozkowiak Mirosław. How do parents perceive the schoolbag problem? Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport...
Physical activity – (PA) one of the most important factors of the harmonious development and health ...
Jankowska Paula, Jankowski Krzysztof, Rudnicka Drożak Ewa. Evaluation of health behaviors of childre...
The research was conducted in 2017 - 2018 in Łódź among parents of children attending the classes I ...
Makarczuk Anna. The knowledge of parents about frequency of body posture defects in early school age...
Habik-Tatarowska Natalia. Assessment of the body posture of children in the school age. Journal of E...
Kot Kamila, Kokosz Mirosław, Stencel-Gabriel Krystyna. The influence of four-month exercises during ...
One of the most discussed problems today is the postural hygiene of school students. The article rep...
Celem pracy jest ocena aktywności ruchowej uczniów z wadą postawy oraz bez wady, a także ocena pozio...
Klimkiewicz Wszelaki Karolina, Sokołowski Remigiusz, Kasperska Paulina, Oleksy Eliza, Ziółkowska Ann...
Łubkowska Wioletta, Mroczek Bożena. Assessment of body posture of boys aged 7-15 in relation to the ...
Miklánková Ludmila, Rechtik Zdeněk, Klimešová Iva, Górny Miroslaw. Physical activity of children pri...
The causes of musculoskeletal disorders, at present affecting a considerable pro-portion of the adul...
The aim of the study was to check the impact of the school environment on the child's body posture a...
Bearing in mind the proper development of a young person, attention should be paid to shaping certai...
Mrozkowiak Mirosław. How do parents perceive the schoolbag problem? Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport...
Physical activity – (PA) one of the most important factors of the harmonious development and health ...
Jankowska Paula, Jankowski Krzysztof, Rudnicka Drożak Ewa. Evaluation of health behaviors of childre...
The research was conducted in 2017 - 2018 in Łódź among parents of children attending the classes I ...
Makarczuk Anna. The knowledge of parents about frequency of body posture defects in early school age...
Habik-Tatarowska Natalia. Assessment of the body posture of children in the school age. Journal of E...
Kot Kamila, Kokosz Mirosław, Stencel-Gabriel Krystyna. The influence of four-month exercises during ...
One of the most discussed problems today is the postural hygiene of school students. The article rep...
Celem pracy jest ocena aktywności ruchowej uczniów z wadą postawy oraz bez wady, a także ocena pozio...
Klimkiewicz Wszelaki Karolina, Sokołowski Remigiusz, Kasperska Paulina, Oleksy Eliza, Ziółkowska Ann...
Łubkowska Wioletta, Mroczek Bożena. Assessment of body posture of boys aged 7-15 in relation to the ...
Miklánková Ludmila, Rechtik Zdeněk, Klimešová Iva, Górny Miroslaw. Physical activity of children pri...
The causes of musculoskeletal disorders, at present affecting a considerable pro-portion of the adul...
The aim of the study was to check the impact of the school environment on the child's body posture a...
Bearing in mind the proper development of a young person, attention should be paid to shaping certai...
Mrozkowiak Mirosław. How do parents perceive the schoolbag problem? Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport...
Physical activity – (PA) one of the most important factors of the harmonious development and health ...
Jankowska Paula, Jankowski Krzysztof, Rudnicka Drożak Ewa. Evaluation of health behaviors of childre...