Tangara punctata zamorae Chapman Tangara punctata zamorae Chapman, 1925a: 9 (Zamora, eastern Ecuador). Now Tangara punctata zamorae Chapman, 1925. See Hellmayr, 1936: 97–98, Isler and Isler, 1999: 295–297, and Dickinson, 2003: 811. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 130432, adult male, collected at Zamora, 2000 ft, 04.04S, 78.58W (Paynter, 1993), Zamora-Cinchipe, Ecuador, on 3 November 1913, by William B. Richardson. COMMENTS: Chapman gave the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and had, in addition to the holotype, five males and one female from Zamora and two males from below San José de Sumaco. The paratypes in AMNH are: Zamora, AMNH 130429, 130431, males, 19 and 25 October 1913, AMNH 130430, unsexed immature, 18 October 1913...