Molothrus bonairensis aequatorialis Chapman Molothrus bonairensis aequatorialis Chapman, 1915: 661 (Barbacoas, Narino, southwestern Colombia). Now Molothrus bonairensis aequatorialis Chapman, 1915. See Hellmayr, 1937: 66; Blake, 1968: 197; Dickinson, 2003: 773; and Fraga, 2011: 786–787. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 118355, adult female, collected at Barbacoas, 01.41N, 78.09W (Paynter, 1997), Nariño, southwestern Colombia, on 5 August 1912, by William B. Richardson. COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and listed measurements for six males and four females in addition to the holotype. In addition to the birds Chapman measured, there are four specimens that would have been available to him but wer...