77. Putty-nosed Monkey Cercopithecus nictitans French: Cercopitheque hocheur / German: Grofse WeilRnasenmeerkatze / Spanish: Cercopiteco de nariz blanca Other common names: Greater Spot-nosed Guenon, Greater White-nosed Monkey, Putty-nosed Guenon, Whitenosed Guenon; Bioko Putty-nosed Monkey (martini), Eastern Putty-nosed Monkey (nictitans), Nigerian Putty-nosed Monkey (insolitus), Red-rumped Putty-nosed Monkey (/udio), Stampfli's Putty-nosed Monkey (stampflii) Taxonomy. Simia nictitans Linnaeus, 1766, Guinea. Restricted by C. P. Groves in 2005 to Equatorial Guinea, Benito River. In his 1997 Field Guide to African Mammals, J. Kingdon aligned C. nictitans with C. mitis, comprising the “gentle monkey,” C. nictitans superspecies ...
60. Diana Monkey Cercopithecus diana French: Cercopitheque diane / German: Diana-Meerkatze / S...
74. Red-eared Monkey Cercopithecus erythrotis French: Cercopitheque a nez rouge / German: Roto...
Lowe’s guenon ( Cercopithecus campbelli lowei) is still one of the commonest monkeys of the Ivory Co...
66. Crowned Monkey Cercopithecus pogonias French: Cercopithéque couronné / German: Kronenmeerk...
71. Spot-nosed Monkey Cercopithecus petaurista French: Cercopitheque blanc-nez / German: Klein...
76. Red-tailed Monkey Cercopithecus ascanius French: Cercopitheque ascagne / German: Rotschwan...
73. Sclater’s Monkey Cercopithecus sclateri French: Cercopithéque de Sclater / German: Sclater...
64. Campbell's Monkey Cercopithecus campbelli French: Cercopitheque de Campbell / German: Camp...
78. Blue Monkey Cercopithecus mitis French: Cercopitheque a diademe / German: Diademmeerkatze ...
56. L’Hoest’s Monkey Allochrocebus lhoesti French: Cercopitheque de L'Hoest / German: Vollbart...
72. Red-bellied Monkey Cercopithecus erythrogaster French: Cercopitheque a ventre roux / Germa...
79. Silver Monkey Cercopithecus doggetti French: Cercopitheque de Doggett / German: Silbermeer...
75. Mustached Monkey Cercopithecus cephus French: Cercopitheque moustac / German: Blaumaulmeer...
62. De Brazza’s Monkey Cercopithecus neglectus French: Cercopitheque de De Brazza / German: Br...
80. Virungas Golden Monkey Cercopithecus kandti French: Cercopitheque doré / German: Goldmeerk...
60. Diana Monkey Cercopithecus diana French: Cercopitheque diane / German: Diana-Meerkatze / S...
74. Red-eared Monkey Cercopithecus erythrotis French: Cercopitheque a nez rouge / German: Roto...
Lowe’s guenon ( Cercopithecus campbelli lowei) is still one of the commonest monkeys of the Ivory Co...
66. Crowned Monkey Cercopithecus pogonias French: Cercopithéque couronné / German: Kronenmeerk...
71. Spot-nosed Monkey Cercopithecus petaurista French: Cercopitheque blanc-nez / German: Klein...
76. Red-tailed Monkey Cercopithecus ascanius French: Cercopitheque ascagne / German: Rotschwan...
73. Sclater’s Monkey Cercopithecus sclateri French: Cercopithéque de Sclater / German: Sclater...
64. Campbell's Monkey Cercopithecus campbelli French: Cercopitheque de Campbell / German: Camp...
78. Blue Monkey Cercopithecus mitis French: Cercopitheque a diademe / German: Diademmeerkatze ...
56. L’Hoest’s Monkey Allochrocebus lhoesti French: Cercopitheque de L'Hoest / German: Vollbart...
72. Red-bellied Monkey Cercopithecus erythrogaster French: Cercopitheque a ventre roux / Germa...
79. Silver Monkey Cercopithecus doggetti French: Cercopitheque de Doggett / German: Silbermeer...
75. Mustached Monkey Cercopithecus cephus French: Cercopitheque moustac / German: Blaumaulmeer...
62. De Brazza’s Monkey Cercopithecus neglectus French: Cercopitheque de De Brazza / German: Br...
80. Virungas Golden Monkey Cercopithecus kandti French: Cercopitheque doré / German: Goldmeerk...
60. Diana Monkey Cercopithecus diana French: Cercopitheque diane / German: Diana-Meerkatze / S...
74. Red-eared Monkey Cercopithecus erythrotis French: Cercopitheque a nez rouge / German: Roto...
Lowe’s guenon ( Cercopithecus campbelli lowei) is still one of the commonest monkeys of the Ivory Co...