Liocyrtusa nigriclavis (Hlisnikovsky, 1967) (Fig. 5, 19) Liocyrtusa nigriclavis (Hlisnikovsky, 1967): 240; Daffner 1983: 134; 1988: 285. Holotype male in HNHB (Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest), not seen. Type locality: Cojbalsan aimak, 820 m, 20 km SW Somon Bajanuul, Mongolia. Diagnosis. Length (pronotum + elytra) = 1.78–2.40 mm; greatest width = 1.22–1.70 mm. Pale to dark reddish brown, mostly shiny, antennal club often darker; some individuals with microsculpture on elytra. Head moderately coarsely and densely punctate. Antennal club variable in width, more robust in larger individuals. Antennomere 8 disc-like, about half width of 9. Apical antennomere clearly narrower than 9 and 10. Sides of pronotum rounded, posterior ...