The article highlights the ways of education in the socio-pedagogical process according to the hadiths and gives the necessary theoretical recommendations
This article is an effort to look at the contemporary Islamic educational practice from a perspectiv...
Islamic education as part of the national education system has a purpose want to achieve. In the pro...
One practical effort that can be made in families and schools is to provide an explanation of religi...
This article is based on the development of proposals and recommendations related to the formation o...
This article is based on the development of proposals and recommendations related to the formation o...
This article is mainly aimed at reinforcing education and humanity in the process of spiritual and m...
This research aims to explore the concept of Islamic education from a hadith perspective in the cont...
Islamic education, is a very urgent thing in a life for all mankind. This is because Islamic educat...
The position of the hadith in Islamic religious education becomes the basis and foundation for the c...
This study aims to discuss educating children from the hadith perspective. This research is a qualit...
Pendidikan seks harus diajarkan sejak usia dini sebagaimana yang telah diajarkan Nabi melalui hadisn...
This study endeavors to investigate strategies for enhancing the pedagogy of Islamic Studies methodo...
In line with the supremacy of al-Hadith as the second source of Islam, as well as the core of Islami...
There are two schools that carry out hadith learning in PAUD, namely PAUD RA Al Falah and PAUD Barok...
This article is about "Hadith Studies in Tuhfatul Athfal (Yafata) Modern Islamic Boarding School, Ka...
This article is an effort to look at the contemporary Islamic educational practice from a perspectiv...
Islamic education as part of the national education system has a purpose want to achieve. In the pro...
One practical effort that can be made in families and schools is to provide an explanation of religi...
This article is based on the development of proposals and recommendations related to the formation o...
This article is based on the development of proposals and recommendations related to the formation o...
This article is mainly aimed at reinforcing education and humanity in the process of spiritual and m...
This research aims to explore the concept of Islamic education from a hadith perspective in the cont...
Islamic education, is a very urgent thing in a life for all mankind. This is because Islamic educat...
The position of the hadith in Islamic religious education becomes the basis and foundation for the c...
This study aims to discuss educating children from the hadith perspective. This research is a qualit...
Pendidikan seks harus diajarkan sejak usia dini sebagaimana yang telah diajarkan Nabi melalui hadisn...
This study endeavors to investigate strategies for enhancing the pedagogy of Islamic Studies methodo...
In line with the supremacy of al-Hadith as the second source of Islam, as well as the core of Islami...
There are two schools that carry out hadith learning in PAUD, namely PAUD RA Al Falah and PAUD Barok...
This article is about "Hadith Studies in Tuhfatul Athfal (Yafata) Modern Islamic Boarding School, Ka...
This article is an effort to look at the contemporary Islamic educational practice from a perspectiv...
Islamic education as part of the national education system has a purpose want to achieve. In the pro...
One practical effort that can be made in families and schools is to provide an explanation of religi...