Agra solanoi Erwin, new species (Figs. 21 a, 21 b, 21 c, 21 d) Holotype. Male, COSTA RICA: Limón, Tortuguero National Park, Cerro Tortuguero, 119m, 10 ° 34 'N 83 ° 32 'W, May, (J. Solano)(INBio: CRI 000 242786). Diagnosis. Males with dense, short vestiture on metasternum and long dense vestiture on abdominal sterna IIIV. Elytral apex spinose medially, markedly projected acutely laterally, with slight lobe between; interneurs striatiopunctate with regular unisetose foveae in intervals 2, 4, 6, and 8. Sternum VI of male with lateral angles acute. Description. Color and luster: Brunneous. Antennae rufotestaceous; slightly infuscated femora contrast with testaceous tibiae and tarsi. Form: Head (Fig. 21 a) behind eyes short, markedl...