Agra ubicki Erwin, new species (Figs. 18 a, 18 b, 18 c, 18 d) Holotype. Male, COSTA RICA: Puntarenas, 3 km NE Golfito, 8 º 39 'N 83 º 10 'W, 100m, May, (D. Ubick)(CAS: ADP 4553). Diagnosis. Color piceous. Head markedly impressed on the occiput, almost foveate. Prothorax without the numerous long setae found in adults of A. hilaris Liebke. Elytral intervals not catenate. Description. Color and luster: Color piceous. Surface shiny. Form: Head (Fig. 18 a) behind eyes moderately long, markedly rounded, occiput markedly impressed on the occiput, almost foveate. Prothorax widest at basal third, pronotum somewhat flattened with moderately dense coarse punctures. Elytron with apex (Fig. 18 b) almost truncate, lateral tooth small, sutural ...