Igor Popovych, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow of the International Rehabilitation Clinic prof. V. Kozyavkin, Truskavets, Ukraine, winner of the award O.O. Bogomolets of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Proposal of the Equipmentіs and Methods for leveling the pro-inflammatory adrenergic mechanism of the "cytokine storm" by activating the anti-inflammatory cholinergic mechanism by non-invasive stimulation of the vagus nuclei (VNS). SARS-CoV-2. COVID-19. Popovych Іgor. Zhittja bagat'oh vazhko hvorih na COVID-19 mozhna vrjatuvati. [The lives of many seriously ill people with COVID-19 can be saved]. Truskavec'kij Vіstnik. 27.05.2020. On line https://protruskavets.org.ua/zhyttia-bahat-okh-vazhko-khvo…/ DOI ht...