II. Subfam. Salicornioideae Ulbr. (1934) Plants succulent; stems often articulate. Leaves reduced. Flowers usually in groups of 3 sunken into cavities in the axis of spiciform inflorescences; perianth often 2-4-lobed; embryo annular or curved, rarely straight.Published as part of Kuehn, U., 1993, Chenopodiaceae, pp. 253-281 in The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 2, Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer-Verlag on page 27
67. Salsola L. Salsola L., Sp. Pl.: 222 (1753); Botsch., Bot. Zum. 54: 989-1001 (1969) & Novit. Sys...
68. Halothamnus Jaub. & Spach Halothamnus Jaub. & Spach, Ill. Pl. Or. 2: 50 (1845); Botsch Nov. Sys...
Salicornia sp., inflorescences. Family Chenopodiaceae, Subclass Caryophyllidae. Origin: Native
3. Subfam. Salsoloideae Ulbr. (1934) Plants herbaceous or succulent; leaves (if developed) mostly l...
2. Tribe Salicornieae Dumort (1829) Leaves usually opposite, connate. Stems articulatePublished as ...
58. Salicornia L Salzcornia L., Sp. Pl.: 3 (1753); Ball, Feddes Repert. 69: 1-8 (1964); Tölken, Bot...
I. Subfam. Chenopodioideae Leaves well developed. Inflorescences mostly richly flowered, paniculate...
Chenopodiaceae‐Salicornioideae (14–16 gen./c. 90 spp.) are distributed worldwide in coastal and inla...
Tracheoid idioblasts in the Chenopodiaceae have been reported in about 30 species of Salicornia and ...
3. Tribe Salsoleae Moq. (1835) Bracteoles large, surrounding the flower bud. Em bryo mostly conical...
IV Subfam. Polycnemoideae Ulbr. (1934) Herbs, subshrubs or shrubs; stem with regular secondary grow...
10. Scleroblitum Ulbr. Scleroblztum Ulbr. ln 11.-F., Nat. Htlanzenlam. eu.L. loc: 493 (1934); Wilso...
60. Suaeda Scop. Suaeda Scop., Intr.: 333 (1777); Iljin, Sov. Bot. 5: 39-49 (1936) Hopkins and Blac...
9. Chenopodium L. Chenopodium L., Sp. Pl.: 218 (1753); Kowal, Monogr. Bot.1 87-163 (1954); Brenan, ...
A phylogenetic analysis was performed based on ITS DNA sequences of fourteen samples from different ...
67. Salsola L. Salsola L., Sp. Pl.: 222 (1753); Botsch., Bot. Zum. 54: 989-1001 (1969) & Novit. Sys...
68. Halothamnus Jaub. & Spach Halothamnus Jaub. & Spach, Ill. Pl. Or. 2: 50 (1845); Botsch Nov. Sys...
Salicornia sp., inflorescences. Family Chenopodiaceae, Subclass Caryophyllidae. Origin: Native
3. Subfam. Salsoloideae Ulbr. (1934) Plants herbaceous or succulent; leaves (if developed) mostly l...
2. Tribe Salicornieae Dumort (1829) Leaves usually opposite, connate. Stems articulatePublished as ...
58. Salicornia L Salzcornia L., Sp. Pl.: 3 (1753); Ball, Feddes Repert. 69: 1-8 (1964); Tölken, Bot...
I. Subfam. Chenopodioideae Leaves well developed. Inflorescences mostly richly flowered, paniculate...
Chenopodiaceae‐Salicornioideae (14–16 gen./c. 90 spp.) are distributed worldwide in coastal and inla...
Tracheoid idioblasts in the Chenopodiaceae have been reported in about 30 species of Salicornia and ...
3. Tribe Salsoleae Moq. (1835) Bracteoles large, surrounding the flower bud. Em bryo mostly conical...
IV Subfam. Polycnemoideae Ulbr. (1934) Herbs, subshrubs or shrubs; stem with regular secondary grow...
10. Scleroblitum Ulbr. Scleroblztum Ulbr. ln 11.-F., Nat. Htlanzenlam. eu.L. loc: 493 (1934); Wilso...
60. Suaeda Scop. Suaeda Scop., Intr.: 333 (1777); Iljin, Sov. Bot. 5: 39-49 (1936) Hopkins and Blac...
9. Chenopodium L. Chenopodium L., Sp. Pl.: 218 (1753); Kowal, Monogr. Bot.1 87-163 (1954); Brenan, ...
A phylogenetic analysis was performed based on ITS DNA sequences of fourteen samples from different ...
67. Salsola L. Salsola L., Sp. Pl.: 222 (1753); Botsch., Bot. Zum. 54: 989-1001 (1969) & Novit. Sys...
68. Halothamnus Jaub. & Spach Halothamnus Jaub. & Spach, Ill. Pl. Or. 2: 50 (1845); Botsch Nov. Sys...
Salicornia sp., inflorescences. Family Chenopodiaceae, Subclass Caryophyllidae. Origin: Native