14. Endolepis Torrey Endolepis Torrey in A.Gray, Rep. Explor. Railroad Pacif. ocean 12 (2): 47 (1860-1861) Annual herbs with fleshy leaves, dioecious or flowers bisexual. Flowers solitary or in clusters, axillary or terminal; staminate flowers with or without bracteoles, 5-lobed; stamens 5; pistillate flowers with an undivided or 3-4-lobed perianth, 2-bracteolate; bracteoles membranous or indurated, united up to the middle or more. Pericarp free; embryo almost annular; radicle ascendant, or pointing upwards. Three spp., USA to N Mexico.Published as part of Kuehn, U., 1993, Chenopodiaceae, pp. 253-281 in The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 2, Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer-Verlag on page 26