Proarna bergi (Distant, 1892) Tympanoterpes bergi Distant 1892: 61 (type material examined). Type locality. Argentina. Remarks. The species was reported from Colombia and Argentina (Metcalf 1963a; Duffels & van der Laan 1985; Sanborn 2010a) but the reference to Colombia was an error made by Metcalf (1963a) in reading the source of specimens in Distant’s (1892) original paper (Sanborn 2010a). The distribution described for this species in the literature has been confused due to lack of clarity about the identity of P. bergi and P. bufo (Torres 1961a). Currently P. bergi is known only from Argentina with the provinces of Santa Fe and Tucumán specifically named (Costilla 1969; Costilla et al. 1971; Bolcatto et al. 2006; De Santis et a...