Proarna alalonga Sanborn & Heath, 2014 new record Proarna alalonga Sanborn & Heath 2014: 10. (3.5 km So. of General Enrique Masconi, Salta, Argentina) REMARKS. This is one two smaller (body length 18–20 mm) species of Proarna found in Bolivia. It can be distinguished from P. strigicollis Jacobi, 1907 by lack of infuscation on the fore wing medial and mediocubital crossveins and the more angled lateral margins of the pronotum that converge anteriorly in P. alalonga. DISTRIBUTION. The species has been reported previously only from Argentina (Sanborn & Heath 2014). The range is expanded to include not only new Bolivian records but a new record for Paraguay as well. The species was not part of the previously published faunal list for Pa...