Crocidura monax Thomas, 1910. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 6:310. TYPE LOCALITY: Tanzania, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Rombo, 6000 ft. (1828 m). DISTRIBUTION: N. Tanazania; W. Kenya; N.E. Zaire. COMMENT: Belongs to the littoralis group; see Dieterlen and Heim de Balsac, 1979, Saugetierk. Mitt., 27:255. Includes oritis and ultima; see Heim de Balsac and Meester, 1977, Part 1:19-20. Gureev, 1979:414-415, listed ultima as a distinct species without comment. ISIS NUMBER: 5301403007005086001 as C. monax. 5301403007005102001 as C. oritis. 5301403007005128001 as C. ultima.Published as part of James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Insectivora, pp. 58-106 in Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansa...