Science of Tradition-Law. This manuscript is now IO Islamic 2308 in the India Office collections. [metadata: Otto Loth, A Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, (volume 1), no. 288 here with further notations and hyperlinks]. 288. 2308. Size 81/2 in. by 41/2 in.; foll. 288. Sixteen lines in a page. I. Foll. 1-223. A treatise on the differences between the four orthodox Imâms, entitled رحمة الأُمّة فی اختلاف الائمّة. The author, who is not mentioned, is, according to Ḥ. Kh. iii. 351, either ṢADR AL-DÎN Abu ‘Abdallah Muḥammad b. ‘Abd al-raḥmân Dimishḳî ‘Othmânî. Who wrote in A.H. 780, or Abu’l-Ḥasan SA’DÎ. Beginning: الحمدلله الذی اجزل احسانه، و انزل قرانه، و بیّن فیه قواعد دینه و ارکانه،. The order of ...