Law: Ḥanafite. This manuscript is now IO Islamic 744 in the India Office collections. [metadata: Otto Loth, A Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, (volume 1), no. 210 here with further notations and hyperlinks]. 210. 744. Size 113/4 in. by 71/2 in.; foll. 271. Twenty-nine lines in a page. The first half of the فتاوی قاضیخان, or Legal Decisions, compiled by Fakhr al-dîn Abu’l-maḥâsin al- Ḥasan b. Manṣûr b. Maḥmûd Ûzjandî, commonly called ḲÂḌÎKHÂN (d. A.H. 592). Cf. Ḥ. Kh. iv. 364; Flügel, Hdss. Wien, iii. 240; Cat. Mus. Brit. 724; and Aumer, Hdss. Münch. 89. Printed at Calcutta (Asiat. Lithograph. Press), 1835, in 4 vols. This MS. is founded upon a dictate of the author’s, given at his house, on t...