378. Long-eared Myotis Myotis evotis French: Murin a oreilles longues / German: Langohriges Mausohr / Spanish: Ratonero de orejas largas Other common names: Western Long-eared Bat, Western Long-eared Myotis Taxonomy. Vespertilio evotis H. Allen, 1864, type locality not given. Restricted by G. S. Miller, Jr. in 1897 to “Monterey, Caljifornia].,” USA. Subgenus Pyzonix; lucifugus species group. Myotis evotis is most closely related to M. thysanodes, M. keenii, M. occultus, and the paraphyletic M. lucifugus (specifically M. lL carissimus and M. l. pernox, which likely represent distinct species), although relationships among these species and the clade including M. sodalis, M. volans, M. lucifugus, M. L. relictus, and M. I. alasc...