Nyeri punggung bawah merupakan keluhan nyeri kompleks yang paling banyak terjadi di dunia dan di Indonesia. Nyeri punggung adalah ketidaknyamanan yang dirasakan di daerah sakral lumbar tulang belakang. Karena nyeri punggung disebabkan oleh perubahan pusat gravitasi wanita dan postur tubuhnya, seringkali semakin parah seiring bertambahnya usia kehamilan. Hal ini terjadi pada 70% persen ibu hamil di Indonesia. Studi lain menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 40-60% ibu hamil mengalami nyeri punggung yaitu nyeri sedang 30% nyeri ringan 23% dan nyeri berat 7%. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh metode akupresur titik BL 23 terhadap nyeri pinggang pada kehamilan trimester III di TPMB Mamik yulaikah kasri. Desain penelitian pre eksperimen dengan p...
Low Back Pain is a complaint of complex pain that occurs most frequently in the world and Indonesia....
Objective: The discomfort that is often experienced by pregnant women in the second and third trimes...
Back pain is one of the inconveniences in pregnancy because it can interfere with the activities of ...
Nyeri punggung bawah merupakan keluhan nyeri kompleks yang paling banyak terjadi di dunia dan di Ind...
Nyeri punggung akibat kehamilan yaitu nyeri yang ditandai dengan gejala rasa nyeri di daerah tubuh b...
As much as 54.9% in the third trimester of pregnancy, most pregnant women experience lower back pain...
The purpose of this study was to describe low back pain in third trimester pregnant women. The metho...
Third trimester pregnancy is the final month of pregnancy or one third of the gestation period, name...
Latar Belakang : Pada masa kehamilan banyak terjadi perubahan, salah satunya perubahan postur tubuh....
Latar belakang: Postur tubuh yang tidak tepat dimasa kehamilan dapat berakibat peregangan tambahan d...
Background: Lower back pain is discomfort under costa and top of the gluteal inferior that experienc...
Back pain occurs because of changes in hormone levels that increase the pregnancy hormone relaxin, t...
Abstract: Acupressure, Back Pain, Pregnancy. Acupressure is effective to relieve back pain in Meridi...
Back pain occurs because of changes in hormone levels that increase the pregnancy hormone relaxin, t...
One of the factors causing low back pain in pregnant women is pressure on the back muscles or a shif...
Low Back Pain is a complaint of complex pain that occurs most frequently in the world and Indonesia....
Objective: The discomfort that is often experienced by pregnant women in the second and third trimes...
Back pain is one of the inconveniences in pregnancy because it can interfere with the activities of ...
Nyeri punggung bawah merupakan keluhan nyeri kompleks yang paling banyak terjadi di dunia dan di Ind...
Nyeri punggung akibat kehamilan yaitu nyeri yang ditandai dengan gejala rasa nyeri di daerah tubuh b...
As much as 54.9% in the third trimester of pregnancy, most pregnant women experience lower back pain...
The purpose of this study was to describe low back pain in third trimester pregnant women. The metho...
Third trimester pregnancy is the final month of pregnancy or one third of the gestation period, name...
Latar Belakang : Pada masa kehamilan banyak terjadi perubahan, salah satunya perubahan postur tubuh....
Latar belakang: Postur tubuh yang tidak tepat dimasa kehamilan dapat berakibat peregangan tambahan d...
Background: Lower back pain is discomfort under costa and top of the gluteal inferior that experienc...
Back pain occurs because of changes in hormone levels that increase the pregnancy hormone relaxin, t...
Abstract: Acupressure, Back Pain, Pregnancy. Acupressure is effective to relieve back pain in Meridi...
Back pain occurs because of changes in hormone levels that increase the pregnancy hormone relaxin, t...
One of the factors causing low back pain in pregnant women is pressure on the back muscles or a shif...
Low Back Pain is a complaint of complex pain that occurs most frequently in the world and Indonesia....
Objective: The discomfort that is often experienced by pregnant women in the second and third trimes...
Back pain is one of the inconveniences in pregnancy because it can interfere with the activities of ...