Modern CPUs use a variety of undocumented microarchitectural hash functions to efficiently distribute data within microarchitectural structures such as caches. A well-known function is the cache slice function that distributes cache lines to the slices of the last-level cache. Knowing these functions improves microarchitectural attacks, such as Prime+Probe or Rowhammer, drastically. However, while several such linear functions have been reverse-engineered, there is no generic or automated approach for reverse-engineering non-linear functions, which have become common with modern CPUs. In this paper, we introduce a novel generic approach for automatically reverse-engineering a wide range of microarchitectural hash functions. Our approach ...
The growing Internet of Things (IoT) market demands side-channel attack resistant, efficient, crypto...
The growing Internet of Things (IoT) market demands side-channel attack resistant, efficient, crypto...
The growing Internet of Things (IoT) market demands side-channel attack resistant, efficient, crypto...
Abstract. Modern Intel processors use an undisclosed hash function to map memory lines into last-lev...
Modern Intel processors use an undisclosed hash function to map memory lines into last-level cache s...
Abstract. Cache attacks, which exploit differences in timing to perform covert or side channels, are...
Abstract. Dividing last level caches into slices is a popular method to prevent memory accesses from...
Dividing last level caches into slices is a popular method to prevent memory accesses from becoming ...
Abstract—Microarchitectural resources such as caches and predictors can be used to leak information ...
CPU micro-architectural side-channels, or CPU side-channels in short, have gained plenty of attentio...
CPU micro-architectural side-channels, or CPU side-channels in short, have gained plenty of attentio...
We expand on the idea, proposed by Kelsey et al. [14], of cache memory being used as a side-channel ...
Translation Lookaside Buffers, or TLBs, play a vital role in recent microarchitectural attacks. Howe...
Side-channel attacks have become a severe threat to the confidentiality of computer applications and...
The growing Internet of Things (IoT) market demands side-channel attack resistant, efficient, crypto...
The growing Internet of Things (IoT) market demands side-channel attack resistant, efficient, crypto...
The growing Internet of Things (IoT) market demands side-channel attack resistant, efficient, crypto...
The growing Internet of Things (IoT) market demands side-channel attack resistant, efficient, crypto...
Abstract. Modern Intel processors use an undisclosed hash function to map memory lines into last-lev...
Modern Intel processors use an undisclosed hash function to map memory lines into last-level cache s...
Abstract. Cache attacks, which exploit differences in timing to perform covert or side channels, are...
Abstract. Dividing last level caches into slices is a popular method to prevent memory accesses from...
Dividing last level caches into slices is a popular method to prevent memory accesses from becoming ...
Abstract—Microarchitectural resources such as caches and predictors can be used to leak information ...
CPU micro-architectural side-channels, or CPU side-channels in short, have gained plenty of attentio...
CPU micro-architectural side-channels, or CPU side-channels in short, have gained plenty of attentio...
We expand on the idea, proposed by Kelsey et al. [14], of cache memory being used as a side-channel ...
Translation Lookaside Buffers, or TLBs, play a vital role in recent microarchitectural attacks. Howe...
Side-channel attacks have become a severe threat to the confidentiality of computer applications and...
The growing Internet of Things (IoT) market demands side-channel attack resistant, efficient, crypto...
The growing Internet of Things (IoT) market demands side-channel attack resistant, efficient, crypto...
The growing Internet of Things (IoT) market demands side-channel attack resistant, efficient, crypto...
The growing Internet of Things (IoT) market demands side-channel attack resistant, efficient, crypto...