Létoublon Françoise. Synnøve Des Bouvrie, Myth and Symbol I. Symbolic phenomena in ancient Greek culture. In: Gaia : revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque, numéro 8, 2004. pp. 192-195
Through ancient greek texts, the author analyses the Pantheon of the greek sheperds, nature's gods w...
Létoublon Françoise. John Gould, Myth, Ritual, Memory, and Exchanges. Essays in Greek Literature and...
Abstract.– Archaïsm, in Hellenistic and Roman art, is not just a stylistic phaenomenon. The explicit...
Létoublon Françoise. Synnøve Des Bouvrie, Myth and Symbol I. Symbolic phenomena in ancient Greek cul...
Somville Pierre. Synnave DES BOUVRIE (Ed.), Myth and Symbol II. Symbolic Phenomena in Ancient Greek ...
Papers from the first international symposium on symbolism at the University ofTromsø, June 4-7,199
Létoublon Françoise. Margaret Alexiou, After Antiquity. Greek Language, Myth, and Metaphor. In: Gaia...
Jost Madeleine. Robin Hägg (Ed.), The Iconography of Greek Cult in the Archaic and the Classical Per...
Myth's « veritable nature » in ancient Greece The structural method had introduced an epistemologi...
Cette étude porte sur l’obscénité rituelle en Grèce ancienne aux époques archaïque et classique, ave...
Jost Madeleine. Robin Hägg, Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Epigraphical Evidence. Proceedings ...
Marzari Francesca. Points de vue sur la mythologie grecque. Des animaux et des hommes. In: Gaia : re...
Hermary Antoine. R. Hägg (éd.), Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Archaeological Evidence. Procee...
Papers from the first international symposium on symbolism at the University of Tromsø, June 4-7,199...
dans Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 231(1), 2014, p. 117-119 :compte rendu de Ritual Dynamics In...
Through ancient greek texts, the author analyses the Pantheon of the greek sheperds, nature's gods w...
Létoublon Françoise. John Gould, Myth, Ritual, Memory, and Exchanges. Essays in Greek Literature and...
Abstract.– Archaïsm, in Hellenistic and Roman art, is not just a stylistic phaenomenon. The explicit...
Létoublon Françoise. Synnøve Des Bouvrie, Myth and Symbol I. Symbolic phenomena in ancient Greek cul...
Somville Pierre. Synnave DES BOUVRIE (Ed.), Myth and Symbol II. Symbolic Phenomena in Ancient Greek ...
Papers from the first international symposium on symbolism at the University ofTromsø, June 4-7,199
Létoublon Françoise. Margaret Alexiou, After Antiquity. Greek Language, Myth, and Metaphor. In: Gaia...
Jost Madeleine. Robin Hägg (Ed.), The Iconography of Greek Cult in the Archaic and the Classical Per...
Myth's « veritable nature » in ancient Greece The structural method had introduced an epistemologi...
Cette étude porte sur l’obscénité rituelle en Grèce ancienne aux époques archaïque et classique, ave...
Jost Madeleine. Robin Hägg, Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Epigraphical Evidence. Proceedings ...
Marzari Francesca. Points de vue sur la mythologie grecque. Des animaux et des hommes. In: Gaia : re...
Hermary Antoine. R. Hägg (éd.), Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Archaeological Evidence. Procee...
Papers from the first international symposium on symbolism at the University of Tromsø, June 4-7,199...
dans Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 231(1), 2014, p. 117-119 :compte rendu de Ritual Dynamics In...
Through ancient greek texts, the author analyses the Pantheon of the greek sheperds, nature's gods w...
Létoublon Françoise. John Gould, Myth, Ritual, Memory, and Exchanges. Essays in Greek Literature and...
Abstract.– Archaïsm, in Hellenistic and Roman art, is not just a stylistic phaenomenon. The explicit...