Létoublon Françoise. John Gould, Myth, Ritual, Memory, and Exchanges. Essays in Greek Literature and Culture. In: Gaia : revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque, numéro 8, 2004. pp. 208-212
Antonetti Claudia. Mémoire et oubli : un nouveau Sakellariou : M.B. Sakellariou, Between memory and ...
Somville Pierre. James J. Clauss & Sarah Iles Johnston (Ed.), Medea. Essays on Medea in Myth, Litera...
Gaborit Cécile. Robert J. Lenardon et Mark P. O. Morford, avec la contribution de Michael Sham, A Co...
Létoublon Françoise. John Gould, Myth, Ritual, Memory, and Exchanges. Essays in Greek Literature and...
Létoublon Françoise. Synnøve Des Bouvrie, Myth and Symbol I. Symbolic phenomena in ancient Greek cul...
Moreau Joseph. John Gould, The development of Plato's ethics, 1955. In: Revue des Études Anciennes. ...
Somville Pierre. Eric CSAPO & Margaret C. MILLER (Ed.), Poetry, Theory, Praxis. The Social Life of M...
Germain Gabriel. G. S. Kirk, Myth, Its Meaning and Functions in ancient and other Cultures (Sather C...
Létoublon Françoise. Margaret Alexiou, After Antiquity. Greek Language, Myth, and Metaphor. In: Gaia...
Nony Claude-Josèphe. Frank J. Frost, Greek Society (Civilization and Society, Studies in Social, Eco...
Létoublon Françoise. Nine Essays on Homer, edited by Miriam Carlisle and Olga Levaniouk. In: Gaia : ...
Tassignon Isabelle. Michael H. Jameson, Cults and Rites in Ancient Greece. Essays on Religion and So...
Létoublon Françoise. Michael Clarke, Flesh and Spirit in the Songs of Homer. A Study of Words and My...
Gaggadis-Robin Vassiliki. Clauss (J. J.) et Johnston (S. L), Medea: essays on Medea in myth, literat...
Martin Alain. Lynette Mitchell & Lene Rubinstein (Ed.), Greek History and Epigraphy. Essays in honou...
Antonetti Claudia. Mémoire et oubli : un nouveau Sakellariou : M.B. Sakellariou, Between memory and ...
Somville Pierre. James J. Clauss & Sarah Iles Johnston (Ed.), Medea. Essays on Medea in Myth, Litera...
Gaborit Cécile. Robert J. Lenardon et Mark P. O. Morford, avec la contribution de Michael Sham, A Co...
Létoublon Françoise. John Gould, Myth, Ritual, Memory, and Exchanges. Essays in Greek Literature and...
Létoublon Françoise. Synnøve Des Bouvrie, Myth and Symbol I. Symbolic phenomena in ancient Greek cul...
Moreau Joseph. John Gould, The development of Plato's ethics, 1955. In: Revue des Études Anciennes. ...
Somville Pierre. Eric CSAPO & Margaret C. MILLER (Ed.), Poetry, Theory, Praxis. The Social Life of M...
Germain Gabriel. G. S. Kirk, Myth, Its Meaning and Functions in ancient and other Cultures (Sather C...
Létoublon Françoise. Margaret Alexiou, After Antiquity. Greek Language, Myth, and Metaphor. In: Gaia...
Nony Claude-Josèphe. Frank J. Frost, Greek Society (Civilization and Society, Studies in Social, Eco...
Létoublon Françoise. Nine Essays on Homer, edited by Miriam Carlisle and Olga Levaniouk. In: Gaia : ...
Tassignon Isabelle. Michael H. Jameson, Cults and Rites in Ancient Greece. Essays on Religion and So...
Létoublon Françoise. Michael Clarke, Flesh and Spirit in the Songs of Homer. A Study of Words and My...
Gaggadis-Robin Vassiliki. Clauss (J. J.) et Johnston (S. L), Medea: essays on Medea in myth, literat...
Martin Alain. Lynette Mitchell & Lene Rubinstein (Ed.), Greek History and Epigraphy. Essays in honou...
Antonetti Claudia. Mémoire et oubli : un nouveau Sakellariou : M.B. Sakellariou, Between memory and ...
Somville Pierre. James J. Clauss & Sarah Iles Johnston (Ed.), Medea. Essays on Medea in Myth, Litera...
Gaborit Cécile. Robert J. Lenardon et Mark P. O. Morford, avec la contribution de Michael Sham, A Co...