Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a life-threatening disease with a high mortality rate. It is usually diagnosed late when the disease has progressed. There are not many treatment options available, the only curative treatment is surgical resection, but a low percentage of patients have that as an option. The culture of organoids from primary tissue and using the cells for drug screening for personalized treatment is a fast-evolving concept that could revolutionize cancer treatment. However, it is challenging to culture cells from primary tissue in vitro because the tissue is often from needle biopsies, therefore, the number of available cells is limited. Many patients have also had neo-adjuvant treatment, which can affect the cell...
1. We studied the effect of some biochemical modulators on the myelotoxicity of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU...
Inngangur: Barkaþræðing er forsenda þess að hægt sé að veita öndunarvélarmeðferð, sem er algengt for...
Við gróður- og jarðvegseyðingu tapast mikið af jarðvegskolefni (C). Við uppgræðslu og endurheimt á r...
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide and the prognosis of patients worsens sig...
Ritgerð verður læst í 12 mánuði vegan einkaleyfaumsóknarÁhugi á mesenkímal stofnfrumum (e. Mesenchym...
Natural products are a productive and well recognized source of new therapeutics and much recent int...
Introduction: Persons with medial knee osteoarthritis (OA) are thought to adopt increased frontal pl...
Background and Aims: Numerous studies have shown that circadian disruption, which may be marked by s...
Brjóstakrabbamein er langalgengasta krabbamein kvenna og eru horfurnar mun verri finnist meinvörp. U...
Background and aims: Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder in the digestive tract ...
An able-bodied individual relies on a well-coordinated muscle activity, intact joint structures and ...
Fæðingarþyngd íslenskra barna er óvenju há borið saman við tölur frá flestum öðrum Evrópuþjóðum og ú...
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenLung...
The pregnancy disease preeclampsia (PE) affects around 2-8% of pregnancies worldwide and is one of t...
Bakgrunnur: Sóri (psoriasis) er krónískur bólgusjúkdómur í húð og er tíðni hans um 2% meðal hvítra m...
1. We studied the effect of some biochemical modulators on the myelotoxicity of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU...
Inngangur: Barkaþræðing er forsenda þess að hægt sé að veita öndunarvélarmeðferð, sem er algengt for...
Við gróður- og jarðvegseyðingu tapast mikið af jarðvegskolefni (C). Við uppgræðslu og endurheimt á r...
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide and the prognosis of patients worsens sig...
Ritgerð verður læst í 12 mánuði vegan einkaleyfaumsóknarÁhugi á mesenkímal stofnfrumum (e. Mesenchym...
Natural products are a productive and well recognized source of new therapeutics and much recent int...
Introduction: Persons with medial knee osteoarthritis (OA) are thought to adopt increased frontal pl...
Background and Aims: Numerous studies have shown that circadian disruption, which may be marked by s...
Brjóstakrabbamein er langalgengasta krabbamein kvenna og eru horfurnar mun verri finnist meinvörp. U...
Background and aims: Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder in the digestive tract ...
An able-bodied individual relies on a well-coordinated muscle activity, intact joint structures and ...
Fæðingarþyngd íslenskra barna er óvenju há borið saman við tölur frá flestum öðrum Evrópuþjóðum og ú...
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenLung...
The pregnancy disease preeclampsia (PE) affects around 2-8% of pregnancies worldwide and is one of t...
Bakgrunnur: Sóri (psoriasis) er krónískur bólgusjúkdómur í húð og er tíðni hans um 2% meðal hvítra m...
1. We studied the effect of some biochemical modulators on the myelotoxicity of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU...
Inngangur: Barkaþræðing er forsenda þess að hægt sé að veita öndunarvélarmeðferð, sem er algengt for...
Við gróður- og jarðvegseyðingu tapast mikið af jarðvegskolefni (C). Við uppgræðslu og endurheimt á r...