The author of the contribution, a Slovene clergyman in Sweden, describes on the basis of oral sources and archival materials the activities of Slovene folklore groups in Halmstad, Malmö, Göteborg, and of an infant folklore group in Nybr. In the conclusion the author asks the homeland Slovenia to take better care of its people around the world. Preserving Slovene culture in foreign countries is an important activity within the consolidation of Slovene identity among the emigrants. Slovene folklore groups have their role in the process. In Sweden they were strongly active ten and more years ago while today that part of cultural activity among Slovenes in Sweden completely died away.Avtor prispevka, slovenski duhovnik na Švedskem, nam na podla...
This article opens new perspectives on research into Slovenian non-material folk culture within the ...
Ljudska glasba je pomemben del narodove kulturne dediščine in je vključena v Učni načrt za glasbeno ...
In 1904 the project Austrian Folk Songs was set up, which aimed to collect folk music from all parts...
Magistrska naloga proučuje ohranjanje jezikovnega in kulturnega stika s Slovenijo pri otrocih sloven...
The author presents the most significant work of the Slovene folklorist and Slavist Karl Štrekelj, t...
In the first part the paper discusses the immigration of various peoples to Sweden, Swedish immigrat...
Jakov Volčič (1815-1888), a Slovene priest who lived in Croatian part of Istria, published in Sloven...
Diplomska naloga z naslovom FOLKLORA V SLOVENIJI je teoretično delo. V nalogi so predstavljeni razl...
POVZETEK Slovenski narod ima bogato kulturno dediščino. Pomemben del kulturne dediščine je tudi slov...
The paper examines the influence of folklore studies on creating the presentations of the folk song ...
Kar je danes folklorna dejavnost, je bilo še pred stoletjem način življenja. Ljudje so živeli v soži...
The first part of the book discusses the position of Slovenian émigré literature and its place in th...
The monograph illustrates the festive year of Slovenes in the Canale Valley from the perspective of ...
Ples je osnova folklorne dejavnosti. Za kakovosten prikaz našega ljudskega plesnega izročila je potr...
Slovstvena folklora, umetnost govorjenega jezika, ima na Slovenskem dolgo tradicijo zbiranja in zapi...
This article opens new perspectives on research into Slovenian non-material folk culture within the ...
Ljudska glasba je pomemben del narodove kulturne dediščine in je vključena v Učni načrt za glasbeno ...
In 1904 the project Austrian Folk Songs was set up, which aimed to collect folk music from all parts...
Magistrska naloga proučuje ohranjanje jezikovnega in kulturnega stika s Slovenijo pri otrocih sloven...
The author presents the most significant work of the Slovene folklorist and Slavist Karl Štrekelj, t...
In the first part the paper discusses the immigration of various peoples to Sweden, Swedish immigrat...
Jakov Volčič (1815-1888), a Slovene priest who lived in Croatian part of Istria, published in Sloven...
Diplomska naloga z naslovom FOLKLORA V SLOVENIJI je teoretično delo. V nalogi so predstavljeni razl...
POVZETEK Slovenski narod ima bogato kulturno dediščino. Pomemben del kulturne dediščine je tudi slov...
The paper examines the influence of folklore studies on creating the presentations of the folk song ...
Kar je danes folklorna dejavnost, je bilo še pred stoletjem način življenja. Ljudje so živeli v soži...
The first part of the book discusses the position of Slovenian émigré literature and its place in th...
The monograph illustrates the festive year of Slovenes in the Canale Valley from the perspective of ...
Ples je osnova folklorne dejavnosti. Za kakovosten prikaz našega ljudskega plesnega izročila je potr...
Slovstvena folklora, umetnost govorjenega jezika, ima na Slovenskem dolgo tradicijo zbiranja in zapi...
This article opens new perspectives on research into Slovenian non-material folk culture within the ...
Ljudska glasba je pomemben del narodove kulturne dediščine in je vključena v Učni načrt za glasbeno ...
In 1904 the project Austrian Folk Songs was set up, which aimed to collect folk music from all parts...