The study of the palaeo-cove of Joliette at Marseilles describes five sedimentary sequences. Sequence 1 (before 6310 ± 360 cal. B.P.) corresponds to an accumulation of marine origin very close to mean sea level. The relative sea level would be at about - 5m N.G.F. Sequence 2 corresponds to the development of a freshwater swamp. This marsh developed about 6310 ±360 cal. B.P and latest until 1250 ±190 cal. B.P. The rate of sedimentation is rapid during the final Neolithic and Bronze Age. Sequences 3 and 4 transgress the marsh deposits. They mark a phase of silting following. Then the Joliette cove undergoes a phase of artificial infilling at the XIXth century. The results from the Joliette show an absence of marine fluctuations greater than ...