Abstract A central problem in production planning is the coordination of the production rate with the inventory level in order to find a suitable compromise between the inventory on hand, the frequency of changes in the production rate and customer service. This paper deals with an one product production/inventory problem with an intermittently operating production facility controlled by inventory levels to shut down and restart production. The demand process is a compound Poisson process and a service level constraint is imposed on the fraction of demand to be met directly from stock on hand. The paper presents a tractable two-moments approximation for the control rule for starting up and shutting down the production
AbstractA production-inventory system is studied in which an unreliable machine is susceptible to fa...
In this paper, we consider a single-item, one-machine production-inventory system with compound Pois...
Installed base is a measure describing the number of units of a particular system actually in use. T...
Abstract A central problem in production planning is the coordination of the production rate with th...
We consider a production-inventory problem in which the production rate can be continuously controll...
This paper deals with a one-product production/inventory model, where the production rate can be dyn...
This paper considers a one-product production/inventory system with intermittent production and rand...
This paper deals with production-inventory control models with a variable production rate. The deman...
In this paper, we study a production-inventory systems with finite production capacity and fixed set...
This paper considers the stock rationing problem of a single-item, make-to-stock production system w...
This paper presents a mathematical model that is developed for the synthesis of optimal replenishmen...
In this paper, we study the decision problem of a retailer, who wants to optimize the amount of shel...
AbstractA production-inventory system is studied in which an unreliable machine is susceptible to fa...
In this paper, we consider a single-item, one-machine production-inventory system with compound Pois...
Installed base is a measure describing the number of units of a particular system actually in use. T...
Abstract A central problem in production planning is the coordination of the production rate with th...
We consider a production-inventory problem in which the production rate can be continuously controll...
This paper deals with a one-product production/inventory model, where the production rate can be dyn...
This paper considers a one-product production/inventory system with intermittent production and rand...
This paper deals with production-inventory control models with a variable production rate. The deman...
In this paper, we study a production-inventory systems with finite production capacity and fixed set...
This paper considers the stock rationing problem of a single-item, make-to-stock production system w...
This paper presents a mathematical model that is developed for the synthesis of optimal replenishmen...
In this paper, we study the decision problem of a retailer, who wants to optimize the amount of shel...
AbstractA production-inventory system is studied in which an unreliable machine is susceptible to fa...
In this paper, we consider a single-item, one-machine production-inventory system with compound Pois...
Installed base is a measure describing the number of units of a particular system actually in use. T...