The adsorption of CH3, CH2, and CH is studied on Rh(111) and Ni(111) with the atom superposition and electron delocalization (ASED) and EHMO methods. Results are analyzed by calcg. the local d. of states (LDOS) and bond order overlap populations. On Rh(111), CH is adsorbed on threefold sites, CH2 on twofold sites and CH3 on onefold sites in order to restore missing C-H bonds. The height of CHx to the metal surface decreases with decreasing hydrogen content x, while the adsorption energy increases. Adsorption of CH3 on Rh(111) is studied in detail. CH3 bonds on the metal surface mainly via s type interactions of the n CH3 orbital with surface metal atoms of the same symmetry. In case of the onefold adsorption, the HOMO (n CH3) has a large in...