Fred and Claw is a 3D animated short film project exploring the idea of a futuristic world where robots work tirelessly to deliver food. Fred orders food from the drone delivery service, but a robot named Claw steals it midway. He discovers the culprit and chases after it.Bachelor of Fine Arts in Media Ar
The Snail is a 2D-animated short film about a boy who lives in a post-apocalyptic world, who sees a ...
How to Train Your Dog is a 2D short animated film with a total timescale of four minutes and five se...
The Carnival is a 2D animated short film that features a young girl named Lola, sneaking into an ins...
‘First Mission’ is a 3D comedy short animated film about a novice Grim Reaper on their first job to ...
A Fish For A Friend is a 3D Animation Short Film about a baby bear who constantly approaches a boy f...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
The Boorish Bionic Brute is a 3D animated short film. It’s about a warrior trying to replace his han...
Good boy is a 3d animated short film about the loyalty between a man and his dog in a post-apocalypt...
Where Do All the Lost Things Go is a short animation film that explores a child's imagination where ...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
In this report, the process of creation for the animated 3D short film, Greedy, will be recounted in...
The subject of this Final Year Project report will be a 3D animated short film. Berry, is a film abo...
This project is an animated short that relies on the technical processes of 2D animation. The work u...
‘Wait.’ is a 2.5D animated short film that combines 3D rendered backgrounds with 2D animated chara...
Hide and Seek is a 2D animated short film about a young half human/half tiger girl, who is afraid of...
The Snail is a 2D-animated short film about a boy who lives in a post-apocalyptic world, who sees a ...
How to Train Your Dog is a 2D short animated film with a total timescale of four minutes and five se...
The Carnival is a 2D animated short film that features a young girl named Lola, sneaking into an ins...
‘First Mission’ is a 3D comedy short animated film about a novice Grim Reaper on their first job to ...
A Fish For A Friend is a 3D Animation Short Film about a baby bear who constantly approaches a boy f...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
The Boorish Bionic Brute is a 3D animated short film. It’s about a warrior trying to replace his han...
Good boy is a 3d animated short film about the loyalty between a man and his dog in a post-apocalypt...
Where Do All the Lost Things Go is a short animation film that explores a child's imagination where ...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
In this report, the process of creation for the animated 3D short film, Greedy, will be recounted in...
The subject of this Final Year Project report will be a 3D animated short film. Berry, is a film abo...
This project is an animated short that relies on the technical processes of 2D animation. The work u...
‘Wait.’ is a 2.5D animated short film that combines 3D rendered backgrounds with 2D animated chara...
Hide and Seek is a 2D animated short film about a young half human/half tiger girl, who is afraid of...
The Snail is a 2D-animated short film about a boy who lives in a post-apocalyptic world, who sees a ...
How to Train Your Dog is a 2D short animated film with a total timescale of four minutes and five se...
The Carnival is a 2D animated short film that features a young girl named Lola, sneaking into an ins...