‘First Mission’ is a 3D comedy short animated film about a novice Grim Reaper on his first job to reap an old man. Unlike the conventional image of a large-sized, scary, hooded reaper that has been continuously presented in films, this film seeks to bring a fresh new face of a Grim Reaper and introduce its universe to the audience. This report focuses on the process of forming the story and art direction, the technical problems encountered during the production and their solutions.Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Animatio
The subject of this Final Year Project report will be a 2D animated short film, Treadmill. It tells ...
Good boy is a 3d animated short film about the loyalty between a man and his dog in a post-apocalypt...
“Bookworm” is a 2D animated film in the action genre. The project served to explore the multiple way...
‘First Mission’ is a 3D comedy short animated film about a novice Grim Reaper on their first job to ...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
‘Wait.’ is a 2.5D animated short film that combines 3D rendered backgrounds with 2D animated chara...
The Boorish Bionic Brute is a 3D animated short film. It’s about a warrior trying to replace his han...
“Echoes” is a 2D digitally-animated short film produced as a final year project. It tells the story ...
Project 4:44 is a short animated film about a boy who is forced to confront his actions as a bully a...
Requiem is a VFX short film set in the dystopic future where criminals fight for their freedom again...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
The group set out on making a comedy short film in 3D, drawing inspiration from hand drawn animation...
“Unearthly” is a 3D animation short film focused on two siblings who discover a macaque and fox mask...
7.18.25 the name of my team’s animated film, will be the subject of this Final Year Project Report. ...
Title Here is a Final Year Project that is in the form of 2D animation short film. This animation is...
The subject of this Final Year Project report will be a 2D animated short film, Treadmill. It tells ...
Good boy is a 3d animated short film about the loyalty between a man and his dog in a post-apocalypt...
“Bookworm” is a 2D animated film in the action genre. The project served to explore the multiple way...
‘First Mission’ is a 3D comedy short animated film about a novice Grim Reaper on their first job to ...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
‘Wait.’ is a 2.5D animated short film that combines 3D rendered backgrounds with 2D animated chara...
The Boorish Bionic Brute is a 3D animated short film. It’s about a warrior trying to replace his han...
“Echoes” is a 2D digitally-animated short film produced as a final year project. It tells the story ...
Project 4:44 is a short animated film about a boy who is forced to confront his actions as a bully a...
Requiem is a VFX short film set in the dystopic future where criminals fight for their freedom again...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
The group set out on making a comedy short film in 3D, drawing inspiration from hand drawn animation...
“Unearthly” is a 3D animation short film focused on two siblings who discover a macaque and fox mask...
7.18.25 the name of my team’s animated film, will be the subject of this Final Year Project Report. ...
Title Here is a Final Year Project that is in the form of 2D animation short film. This animation is...
The subject of this Final Year Project report will be a 2D animated short film, Treadmill. It tells ...
Good boy is a 3d animated short film about the loyalty between a man and his dog in a post-apocalypt...
“Bookworm” is a 2D animated film in the action genre. The project served to explore the multiple way...