An animated narrative from a set of highly detailed and rendered 3D models, in place visual effects and camera moves, exploring the narrative impact of shape and form within the context of socially relevant storytelling.Bachelor of Fine Art
“Supermassive” is a synchronised four-channel video installation with sound. Each video channel show...
“Stories of Iridescence” is an Experiential Installation. In this watercolour-based animation intera...
Memento is a collaborative animated film portraying the intricacies of our emotional lives by explor...
Design an animated narrative from a set of highly detailed and rendered 3D models, in place visual e...
An metaphorical audiovisual animation about the discovery of self.Bachelor of Fine Art
Touching the Unreal follows the structure set out by Scott McCloud in Understanding Comics to argue...
“Conception” is a visual music 2D animation that aims to explore the innate and subconscious process...
The report details the conceptualization and design process through to the modelling and rigging of ...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
“Bookworm” is a 2D animated film in the action genre. The project served to explore the multiple way...
Memento, a collaborative animated film, is an invitation to contemplate the intricacies of the human...
Balance is a digitally drawn animated film that explores the relationship between two individuals. T...
This project outlines the process of creating a 3D character animation demo reel. My project consis...
[[abstract]]Abstract 3D computer animation is one of current media used to convey messages. Differ...
Unhinged is an animated graduate thesis film 7 minutes, 30 seconds long, which was originally conce...
“Supermassive” is a synchronised four-channel video installation with sound. Each video channel show...
“Stories of Iridescence” is an Experiential Installation. In this watercolour-based animation intera...
Memento is a collaborative animated film portraying the intricacies of our emotional lives by explor...
Design an animated narrative from a set of highly detailed and rendered 3D models, in place visual e...
An metaphorical audiovisual animation about the discovery of self.Bachelor of Fine Art
Touching the Unreal follows the structure set out by Scott McCloud in Understanding Comics to argue...
“Conception” is a visual music 2D animation that aims to explore the innate and subconscious process...
The report details the conceptualization and design process through to the modelling and rigging of ...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
“Bookworm” is a 2D animated film in the action genre. The project served to explore the multiple way...
Memento, a collaborative animated film, is an invitation to contemplate the intricacies of the human...
Balance is a digitally drawn animated film that explores the relationship between two individuals. T...
This project outlines the process of creating a 3D character animation demo reel. My project consis...
[[abstract]]Abstract 3D computer animation is one of current media used to convey messages. Differ...
Unhinged is an animated graduate thesis film 7 minutes, 30 seconds long, which was originally conce...
“Supermassive” is a synchronised four-channel video installation with sound. Each video channel show...
“Stories of Iridescence” is an Experiential Installation. In this watercolour-based animation intera...
Memento is a collaborative animated film portraying the intricacies of our emotional lives by explor...