Memento is a collaborative animated film portraying the intricacies of our emotional lives by exploring the trappings of our personal memories. The film utilizes a train journey as a metaphor to depict the path of life and its trials, with characters personified to our core emotions making their entry and exit at each stop. This vivid portrayal underscores the fact that our being is a culmination of all past experiences and interactions.Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design Ar
Our memory informs us who we are and where we have been. It is essentially our guiding light illumin...
Water Ring Toss is a 2D animated film that aims to capture the emotions surrounding a childhood memo...
This thesis is the result of a research in Art and Art Sciences. It develops a double approach to au...
Memento, a collaborative animated film, is an invitation to contemplate the intricacies of the human...
Animated color film with images of water, birds, winged humans, a man in a hooded sweatshirt, doors,...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
DRAWING MEMORIES is a 3D animated short created by a team of four students, namely, Thom and Jerly C...
The movie Memento (2000) broaches several interrelated philosophical questions concerning human know...
Animation plays with time and space. The image can be moved forward or backward. It can be built upo...
I wanted to create a film that resonates with people’s experiences and feelings about waiting, hopin...
At the end of the flashback, quite late in Memento, when we finally get to see what Leonard remember...
To say that Memento (2000) is thought-provoking would be, at best, an understatement. One of the mai...
An metaphorical audiovisual animation about the discovery of self.Bachelor of Fine Art
The Next Train consists of a short film and a film installation based on a non-linear narrative of a...
Although Christopher Nolan’s Memento (2000) has been the subject of numerous critical examinations, ...
Our memory informs us who we are and where we have been. It is essentially our guiding light illumin...
Water Ring Toss is a 2D animated film that aims to capture the emotions surrounding a childhood memo...
This thesis is the result of a research in Art and Art Sciences. It develops a double approach to au...
Memento, a collaborative animated film, is an invitation to contemplate the intricacies of the human...
Animated color film with images of water, birds, winged humans, a man in a hooded sweatshirt, doors,...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
DRAWING MEMORIES is a 3D animated short created by a team of four students, namely, Thom and Jerly C...
The movie Memento (2000) broaches several interrelated philosophical questions concerning human know...
Animation plays with time and space. The image can be moved forward or backward. It can be built upo...
I wanted to create a film that resonates with people’s experiences and feelings about waiting, hopin...
At the end of the flashback, quite late in Memento, when we finally get to see what Leonard remember...
To say that Memento (2000) is thought-provoking would be, at best, an understatement. One of the mai...
An metaphorical audiovisual animation about the discovery of self.Bachelor of Fine Art
The Next Train consists of a short film and a film installation based on a non-linear narrative of a...
Although Christopher Nolan’s Memento (2000) has been the subject of numerous critical examinations, ...
Our memory informs us who we are and where we have been. It is essentially our guiding light illumin...
Water Ring Toss is a 2D animated film that aims to capture the emotions surrounding a childhood memo...
This thesis is the result of a research in Art and Art Sciences. It develops a double approach to au...