“I and 他” (I and Him) is a 20 minute narrative short film produced by twenty+ Production, a team of final year undergraduates consisting of Karen Wong, Teh Kah Soon and Yu Minli. The short film is a drama comedy, chronicling the clashes between two people from two different cultures; a Singaporean tour guide, Judy, and a tourist from Mainland China, Robert; as they set out on a journey around Singapore to find that special minced meat noodles. With a distinctively local flavour, the short film aims to deliver some laughters and at the same time, pose a social commentary on Singapore, by revealing some of Singaporeans’ idiosyncrasies and attitudes towards foreigners.Bachelor of Communication Studie
Let Me Tell You a Story is a showcase of nine short films made by the students and a trailer of the...
In the years of contemporary Singapore films, Singaporean filmmakers have been trying to make sense ...
NANANG is a 15- minute feature film that revolves around both the simple and privileged lifestyles o...
“I and 他” (I and Him) is a 20 minute narrative short film produced by twenty+ Production, a team of ...
Unite In Laughter's Project Book is a deeper look into the process of how this documentary went from...
回味 huí wèi (After Taste) is a narrative short film by 3ple Productions (众製作 zhòng zhì zuò). The tea...
Short, is a short 3D animation done as a collaborative effort between, Koh Wei Min, Wong Si Min Lind...
Unite in Laughter is an exploration of the Singaporean identity through conversations with comedians...
Short, is a short 3D animation done as a collaborative effort between, Teo Jiet Sie, Wong Si Min Lin...
You Can’t Come Back is a comedy film produced by Comic Sans Productions, as part of an undergraduate...
Better Together has always been a film about family from the beginning, and the character Rachel’s r...
LOL.SG is a light-hearted documentary that explores the comedy scene and the concept of the cultural...
… and Family is a bilingual black comedy-drama, written in a short film format. The story central...
ABROAD is a short film, which tells a story of an Indonesian student, Priyo (23) who lived in Brisba...
Sky & Night is a short film Directed by Phuong Dao and Produced by Priscilla Hoo, together with the...
Let Me Tell You a Story is a showcase of nine short films made by the students and a trailer of the...
In the years of contemporary Singapore films, Singaporean filmmakers have been trying to make sense ...
NANANG is a 15- minute feature film that revolves around both the simple and privileged lifestyles o...
“I and 他” (I and Him) is a 20 minute narrative short film produced by twenty+ Production, a team of ...
Unite In Laughter's Project Book is a deeper look into the process of how this documentary went from...
回味 huí wèi (After Taste) is a narrative short film by 3ple Productions (众製作 zhòng zhì zuò). The tea...
Short, is a short 3D animation done as a collaborative effort between, Koh Wei Min, Wong Si Min Lind...
Unite in Laughter is an exploration of the Singaporean identity through conversations with comedians...
Short, is a short 3D animation done as a collaborative effort between, Teo Jiet Sie, Wong Si Min Lin...
You Can’t Come Back is a comedy film produced by Comic Sans Productions, as part of an undergraduate...
Better Together has always been a film about family from the beginning, and the character Rachel’s r...
LOL.SG is a light-hearted documentary that explores the comedy scene and the concept of the cultural...
… and Family is a bilingual black comedy-drama, written in a short film format. The story central...
ABROAD is a short film, which tells a story of an Indonesian student, Priyo (23) who lived in Brisba...
Sky & Night is a short film Directed by Phuong Dao and Produced by Priscilla Hoo, together with the...
Let Me Tell You a Story is a showcase of nine short films made by the students and a trailer of the...
In the years of contemporary Singapore films, Singaporean filmmakers have been trying to make sense ...
NANANG is a 15- minute feature film that revolves around both the simple and privileged lifestyles o...