Short, is a short 3D animation done as a collaborative effort between, Koh Wei Min, Wong Si Min Linda, and I. The story as the title suggests revolves around an extremely short Singaporean family who one day encounters a visit by a surprisingly tall guest. Antics occur as the story unfolds and reveals deeper issues about acceptance and the beauty of human diversity.Bachelor of Fine Art
Our project is a 7-8 minute animated mood piece exploring what it was like to be a kid in Singapore ...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
This creative project is a 3D animated short created in Softimage XSI. It tells the humoristic story...
Short, is a short 3D animation done as a collaborative effort between, Teo Jiet Sie, Wong Si Min Lin...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
“I and 他” (I and Him) is a 20 minute narrative short film produced by twenty+ Production, a team of ...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Baozha! is a short hand-drawn animated film following the funny and serious struggles of a guardian ...
DRAWING MEMORIES is a 3D animated short created by a team of four students, namely, Thom and Jerly C...
Hawker is a stylized 3D animated short film directed and animated by Chua Jia Jun Gerald over 3 seme...
My Final Year Project is a collaborative effort with my fellow classmates Zou Xinru and Caroline Sia...
Directed and animated by Tan Wei Keong, Hush Baby is an animated short film completed as his final y...
Wanna Try Something Crazy? is a 3D animated short film project that was crafted over two semesters ...
This report is a documentation of the 3d-animated final year short film SYNDROME. It is an experimen...
“Gai Hei Yan (The Cat, the Moth and the Costume Maker)” is a computer-generated animation short. It...
Our project is a 7-8 minute animated mood piece exploring what it was like to be a kid in Singapore ...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
This creative project is a 3D animated short created in Softimage XSI. It tells the humoristic story...
Short, is a short 3D animation done as a collaborative effort between, Teo Jiet Sie, Wong Si Min Lin...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
“I and 他” (I and Him) is a 20 minute narrative short film produced by twenty+ Production, a team of ...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Baozha! is a short hand-drawn animated film following the funny and serious struggles of a guardian ...
DRAWING MEMORIES is a 3D animated short created by a team of four students, namely, Thom and Jerly C...
Hawker is a stylized 3D animated short film directed and animated by Chua Jia Jun Gerald over 3 seme...
My Final Year Project is a collaborative effort with my fellow classmates Zou Xinru and Caroline Sia...
Directed and animated by Tan Wei Keong, Hush Baby is an animated short film completed as his final y...
Wanna Try Something Crazy? is a 3D animated short film project that was crafted over two semesters ...
This report is a documentation of the 3d-animated final year short film SYNDROME. It is an experimen...
“Gai Hei Yan (The Cat, the Moth and the Costume Maker)” is a computer-generated animation short. It...
Our project is a 7-8 minute animated mood piece exploring what it was like to be a kid in Singapore ...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
This creative project is a 3D animated short created in Softimage XSI. It tells the humoristic story...