Hidden Folk is a short film that follows the day in the life of Lilian Mah, a successful curator and art educator. She is poised to wrap up the gallery show of her burgeoning career but the hours leading up to the grand finale paves way for a series of intimate encounters with her ex-lover, close friend and distant parent. Lilian chases to escape a devastating scandal threatening to send her perfect world crashing. Set in the context of Singapore which in recent years have been rife with scandals, the film hopes to uncover the hidden stories of the parties involved and present a new perspective of these life-changing events. Hidden Folk is shot and produced by one-half of FLIM Productions, consisting of four students...
LOL.SG is a light-hearted documentary that explores the comedy scene and the concept of the cultural...
Sa tamang panahon (At the right time) is a short feature film that begins with a change in a young g...
Kathang-isip is a made for television documentary focusing on two young girls and their aspirations ...
Hidden Folk is a short film that follows the day in the life of Lilian Mah, a successful curator ...
The Stray Mothis a 13 minutes 43 seconds short film Final Year Project produced by Cultural Orphan F...
Unite In Laughter's Project Book is a deeper look into the process of how this documentary went from...
State of Hush Hush (梦想狮城) is a 15-minute narrative short film about the last two young people in Sin...
NANANG is a 15- minute feature film that revolves around both the simple and privileged lifestyles o...
In Singapore, many middle-class families employ foreign domestic workers (FDWs) to take on care and ...
Happily ever after is a narrative story done in an experimental format, directed and produced by a s...
Night Bloom is a 15-minute narrative short film produced by Dime Productions, for their undergraduat...
Wa, Nan is a 20-minute short film about Esmeralda, a 59 year-old transgender woman and former beauty...
ABROAD is a short film, which tells a story of an Indonesian student, Priyo (23) who lived in Brisba...
“Keep Mum” is a short film about a husband, Shen, who is verbally and physically abused by his wife....
Tiwala is a short feature film about a typical old-fashioned Filipino mother, Esther, who has an exa...
LOL.SG is a light-hearted documentary that explores the comedy scene and the concept of the cultural...
Sa tamang panahon (At the right time) is a short feature film that begins with a change in a young g...
Kathang-isip is a made for television documentary focusing on two young girls and their aspirations ...
Hidden Folk is a short film that follows the day in the life of Lilian Mah, a successful curator ...
The Stray Mothis a 13 minutes 43 seconds short film Final Year Project produced by Cultural Orphan F...
Unite In Laughter's Project Book is a deeper look into the process of how this documentary went from...
State of Hush Hush (梦想狮城) is a 15-minute narrative short film about the last two young people in Sin...
NANANG is a 15- minute feature film that revolves around both the simple and privileged lifestyles o...
In Singapore, many middle-class families employ foreign domestic workers (FDWs) to take on care and ...
Happily ever after is a narrative story done in an experimental format, directed and produced by a s...
Night Bloom is a 15-minute narrative short film produced by Dime Productions, for their undergraduat...
Wa, Nan is a 20-minute short film about Esmeralda, a 59 year-old transgender woman and former beauty...
ABROAD is a short film, which tells a story of an Indonesian student, Priyo (23) who lived in Brisba...
“Keep Mum” is a short film about a husband, Shen, who is verbally and physically abused by his wife....
Tiwala is a short feature film about a typical old-fashioned Filipino mother, Esther, who has an exa...
LOL.SG is a light-hearted documentary that explores the comedy scene and the concept of the cultural...
Sa tamang panahon (At the right time) is a short feature film that begins with a change in a young g...
Kathang-isip is a made for television documentary focusing on two young girls and their aspirations ...