The Stray Mothis a 13 minutes 43 seconds short film Final Year Project produced by Cultural Orphan Films. The production team consists of four members, Barnabas Chua Zhong Li, Tan Pat Hoon Megan, Chua Shu Ern and Huang Jun Yao Kenneth, undergraduates from Nanyang Technological University, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (WKWSCI).The Stray Mothrevolves around the themes of Identity and Culture. It tells the story of a man with a dark secret, who struggles to find closure after the death of his wife.But when he encounters the strange world of Getai (歌台), he is forced to face his true identity.This report will illustrate the whole process the team went through from pre-production, to production and...
Fly the Nest is a thesis short film made by Chuah Wei Qi, Claudia Nicole Loo, Megan Koh and Tessa An...
The Funeral is a 25-minute short film produced by a student group, Derail Productions, for their Fin...
Moriah is a narrative short film written, shot and produced by Chan Yi Hern (Bobby), Charlene Cha...
The Stray Mothis a 13 minutes 43 seconds short film Final Year Project produced by Cultural Orphan F...
Unfamiliar is a 16-minute short film Final Year Project produced by What’s The Name Productions. The...
Night Bloom is a 15-minute narrative short film produced by Dime Productions, for their undergraduat...
Domestic Help is a short film produced by four final year students of the Wee Kim Wee School of Comm...
“Sleep of the Guiltless” is a 24 minute short film produced by the student group, Wreck Focus Produc...
Restart is a 18 minutes 53 seconds drama short film produced by Convoluted Films as a final-year pro...
Paper House is a 13 minute short film Final Year Project (FYP) produced by Salted Fish Pictures. The...
Hidden Folk is a short film that follows the day in the life of Lilian Mah, a successful curator ...
“Gai Hei Yan (The Cat, the Moth and the Costume Maker)” is a computer-generated animation short. It...
Sky & Night is a short film Directed by Phuong Dao and Produced by Priscilla Hoo, together with the...
This thesis outlines the process of writing and directing the short film, Stray. It will also examin...
Caught is a 2D digitally animated short film produced as a final year project for the Degree of Bach...
Fly the Nest is a thesis short film made by Chuah Wei Qi, Claudia Nicole Loo, Megan Koh and Tessa An...
The Funeral is a 25-minute short film produced by a student group, Derail Productions, for their Fin...
Moriah is a narrative short film written, shot and produced by Chan Yi Hern (Bobby), Charlene Cha...
The Stray Mothis a 13 minutes 43 seconds short film Final Year Project produced by Cultural Orphan F...
Unfamiliar is a 16-minute short film Final Year Project produced by What’s The Name Productions. The...
Night Bloom is a 15-minute narrative short film produced by Dime Productions, for their undergraduat...
Domestic Help is a short film produced by four final year students of the Wee Kim Wee School of Comm...
“Sleep of the Guiltless” is a 24 minute short film produced by the student group, Wreck Focus Produc...
Restart is a 18 minutes 53 seconds drama short film produced by Convoluted Films as a final-year pro...
Paper House is a 13 minute short film Final Year Project (FYP) produced by Salted Fish Pictures. The...
Hidden Folk is a short film that follows the day in the life of Lilian Mah, a successful curator ...
“Gai Hei Yan (The Cat, the Moth and the Costume Maker)” is a computer-generated animation short. It...
Sky & Night is a short film Directed by Phuong Dao and Produced by Priscilla Hoo, together with the...
This thesis outlines the process of writing and directing the short film, Stray. It will also examin...
Caught is a 2D digitally animated short film produced as a final year project for the Degree of Bach...
Fly the Nest is a thesis short film made by Chuah Wei Qi, Claudia Nicole Loo, Megan Koh and Tessa An...
The Funeral is a 25-minute short film produced by a student group, Derail Productions, for their Fin...
Moriah is a narrative short film written, shot and produced by Chan Yi Hern (Bobby), Charlene Cha...