A widespread trachyandesitic tephra deposit of Alleröd age occurs in the eastern Limagne Rift valley and in the adjacent Forez Mountains. It is called the Ravel Tephra and was produced by the La Nugère volcano around 11,400 BP. Microprobe analyses show it to be characterized by aluminous diopside and labradorite. Its lobe is directed towards the SE. The Ravel Tephra may be distinguished from another trachyandesitic tephra layer of Alleröd age found in the Cézallier and in the Monts Dore, because the latter has more basic plagioclase, and is about 900 years younger. At Gerzat, the Ravel Tephra is overlain successively by a thin lacustrine deposit, a trachytic tephra lamina, and another trachyandesitic tephra bed. The trachytic lamina is cor...