Civil servants' salaries in 1985 - The buying power of the net salary paid to civil servants decreased by about 2 % in 1 985 in relation to 1 984, on an annual average, not taking into account hierarchical advancements (and, obviously, back pay due in February, 1986). However, the down-side tendency which has prevailed since mid- 1981 gave way to a slight rise at the year's end. Thus, in a slide, December, 1985 buying power caught up with that of December, 1 984.Le traitement des fonctionnaires en 1985 Jean-Yves Fournier Le pouvoir d'achat du traitement net versé aux fonctionnaires a diminué d'environ 2 % en 1 985 par rapport à 1 984, en moyenne annuelle, compte non tenu des avancements hiérarchiques (ni évidemment du rappel payé en févri...