Important classes of algorithms which can benefit from the advantages of C-to-VHDL compiling are window operations. These execute a number of instructions on a large amount of array data. Since arrays are usually translated into FPGA block memory structures, it is important to minimize the required number of block memory accesses. Recently, a smart buffer has been introduced, in which a number of past and present array elements can be temporarily stored to be reused over a number of different loop nest iterations. In this paper, the smart buffer approach is analysed for use in the stream-oriented Impulse-C compiler. Experimental automatic generation of VHDL code for this buffer is described. The smart buffer is then linked with the VHDL cod...
In this paper, we present a methodology for designing a pipeline of accelerators for an application....
The wider acceptance of FPGAs as a computing device requires a higher level of programming abstracti...
AbstractThe stream computing using manycore architecture such as GPU and the accelerators on FPGA ha...
Important classes of algorithms which can benefit from the advantages of C-to-VHDL compiling are win...
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are programmable logic devices used for the implementation of...
software co-design The Streams-C compiler ([5]) synthesizes hardware cir-cuits for recongurable FPGA...
A common approach to decreasing embedded application execution time is creating a homogeneous parall...
The wider acceptance of FPGAs as a computing device requires a higher level of programming abstracti...
FPGA designs have an immense design space, and there can be an order of magnitude performance differ...
For multimedia applications, loop buffering is an efficient mechanism to reduce the power in the ins...
This paper describes a compiler for stream programs that efficiently schedules computational kernels...
ABSTRACT: Switch chips are building blocks for computer and communication systems. Switches need int...
This paper presents a novel compilation system that allows sequential programs, written in C or FORT...
Recent works demonstrate several benefits of synthesizing software binaries onto FPGA hardware, incl...
The performance of software executed on a microprocessor is adversely affected by the basic fetch-ex...
In this paper, we present a methodology for designing a pipeline of accelerators for an application....
The wider acceptance of FPGAs as a computing device requires a higher level of programming abstracti...
AbstractThe stream computing using manycore architecture such as GPU and the accelerators on FPGA ha...
Important classes of algorithms which can benefit from the advantages of C-to-VHDL compiling are win...
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are programmable logic devices used for the implementation of...
software co-design The Streams-C compiler ([5]) synthesizes hardware cir-cuits for recongurable FPGA...
A common approach to decreasing embedded application execution time is creating a homogeneous parall...
The wider acceptance of FPGAs as a computing device requires a higher level of programming abstracti...
FPGA designs have an immense design space, and there can be an order of magnitude performance differ...
For multimedia applications, loop buffering is an efficient mechanism to reduce the power in the ins...
This paper describes a compiler for stream programs that efficiently schedules computational kernels...
ABSTRACT: Switch chips are building blocks for computer and communication systems. Switches need int...
This paper presents a novel compilation system that allows sequential programs, written in C or FORT...
Recent works demonstrate several benefits of synthesizing software binaries onto FPGA hardware, incl...
The performance of software executed on a microprocessor is adversely affected by the basic fetch-ex...
In this paper, we present a methodology for designing a pipeline of accelerators for an application....
The wider acceptance of FPGAs as a computing device requires a higher level of programming abstracti...
AbstractThe stream computing using manycore architecture such as GPU and the accelerators on FPGA ha...