School financing management is the whole process of trying to obtain and utilize all funds in schools. Seek as many financial sources and sources as possible to obtain funds from financial sources. Based on the results of the survey, the authors were able to identify problems which included: financial planning (budgeting), implementation (accounting) and auditing (auditing) had not been carried out properly. This study uses a qualitative method. Sources of data in this study consisted of the head of the Madrasah, Chair of the Committee, TU, treasurer, Deputy Head of Curriculum, Deputy Head of Student Affairs, teachers. Collecting data in this study using interview techniques, observation and documentation. Data analysis was carried out thro...
Financial management is one of the substances of school management that will also determine the runn...
Middle School Bustanul Ulum Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung. The data collection techniques of this...
Bantuan Oprasional Sekolah (BOS) are one of the school's financial sources for carrying out educatio...
School financing management is the whole process of trying to obtain and utilize all funds in school...
ABSTRACT: Finance in the education sector in schools is essential. Therefore money need to be manage...
Financing Management is a process in optimizing existing funding sources, allocating available funds...
Abstract: Management of financing is one way to improve the quality of education and learning. The a...
This study aims to describe the budget plan of income and expenditure of schools, the allocation of ...
This study aims to analyze and understand school financial management in fulfilling educational infr...
Indikator lembaga pendidikan yang bermutu memiliki konsep manajemen pembiayaan keuangan yang baik, k...
Abstract : This study aimed to determine source of financing, planning, implementation and monitorin...
School is an educational institution that aims to educate the nation's children through learning del...
: Management of financing is one way to improve the quality of education and learning. The aim of th...
This study aims to describe the implementation of The School Operational Assistance Fund (BOS) funds...
Education funding is one of the central systems in education, financing is part of the support of th...
Financial management is one of the substances of school management that will also determine the runn...
Middle School Bustanul Ulum Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung. The data collection techniques of this...
Bantuan Oprasional Sekolah (BOS) are one of the school's financial sources for carrying out educatio...
School financing management is the whole process of trying to obtain and utilize all funds in school...
ABSTRACT: Finance in the education sector in schools is essential. Therefore money need to be manage...
Financing Management is a process in optimizing existing funding sources, allocating available funds...
Abstract: Management of financing is one way to improve the quality of education and learning. The a...
This study aims to describe the budget plan of income and expenditure of schools, the allocation of ...
This study aims to analyze and understand school financial management in fulfilling educational infr...
Indikator lembaga pendidikan yang bermutu memiliki konsep manajemen pembiayaan keuangan yang baik, k...
Abstract : This study aimed to determine source of financing, planning, implementation and monitorin...
School is an educational institution that aims to educate the nation's children through learning del...
: Management of financing is one way to improve the quality of education and learning. The aim of th...
This study aims to describe the implementation of The School Operational Assistance Fund (BOS) funds...
Education funding is one of the central systems in education, financing is part of the support of th...
Financial management is one of the substances of school management that will also determine the runn...
Middle School Bustanul Ulum Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung. The data collection techniques of this...
Bantuan Oprasional Sekolah (BOS) are one of the school's financial sources for carrying out educatio...