Insect skin differentiation involves the construction of the extracellular cuticle that is formed by the systematic secretion of its components. To elucidate the importance of initial facets of N-glycosylation during secretion of cuticle material, I investigated the function of the wollknäuel (wol) gene in Drosophila. Wol codes for the Drosophila Alg5 that initiates the glucosylation of the dolichol-linked oligosaccharide destined to be linked to an extracellular or membrane-bound protein. Stepwise reduction of Wol activity leads to gradual worsening of cuticle phenotype. Abrogation of Wol function results in decrease of glucosylation and by consequence lowered amounts of N-glycosylated proteins. For instance, the levels of the cuticle orga...