Flavius Claudius Iulianus, ein Familienmitglied Konstantins des Großen und Kaiser des Römischen Reiches von Dezember 361 bis Juni 363, wegen seiner Selbstkonversion vom arianischen Christentum zu seiner auf dem Hintergrund der neuplatonischen Philosophie selbst konzipierten Solartheologie besser bekannt als "Julian, der Apostat", beschleunigte unwillkürlich den Konsolidierungsprozess des christlichen Bekenntnisses, wie es schließlich im Jahre 381 beim Zweiten Ökumenischen Konzil in Konstantinopel festgehalten wurde.Flavius Claudius Iulianus, a member of the family of Constantine the Great and emperor of the Roman Empire between December 361 and June 363, because of his self-conversion from Christian Arianism to his own philosophic solar the...
RESUMEN: El en presente trabajo de final carrera he pretendido realizar un análisis bibliográfico so...
The Thesis "Philosophy and Early Christianity: Relationship Hellenism and Christianity in the works ...
Practicaly until today there haven’t appeared objectiv scientific works concerning begining and evol...
Flavius Claudius Iulianus, ein Familienmitglied Konstantins des Großen und Kaiser des Römischen Reic...
Práce nejprve mapuje průběh pronásledování křesťanů na území Římské říše od počátku křesťanství až p...
Cílem bakalářské práce je analýza vlády Konstantina Velikého a jeho vztahu ke křesťanství. Křesťanst...
This thesis explores the life and reign of Julian the Apostate the man who ruled over the Roman Empi...
From his Christian conversion under the influence of revelatory experiences outside Rome in A.D. 312...
Julian (Flavius Claudius Iulianus), called the Apostate, Roman emperor in the years 361–363, was one...
There are some unresolved problems concerning the life of the youngest son of Constantine the Great,...
ABSTRACT If we read the original sources written by the Christian apologists (Lactantius, Eusebius o...
This diploma thesis is devoted to the situation of Christians living in the Roman Empire in the firs...
This study has explored the changed relationship between the church and the Roman Empire between the...
It was the purpose of this dissertation to examine the origins and reasons for the Emperor Constanti...
The article is consecrated to Constantine’s conversion and to its consequences for the Church, for t...
RESUMEN: El en presente trabajo de final carrera he pretendido realizar un análisis bibliográfico so...
The Thesis "Philosophy and Early Christianity: Relationship Hellenism and Christianity in the works ...
Practicaly until today there haven’t appeared objectiv scientific works concerning begining and evol...
Flavius Claudius Iulianus, ein Familienmitglied Konstantins des Großen und Kaiser des Römischen Reic...
Práce nejprve mapuje průběh pronásledování křesťanů na území Římské říše od počátku křesťanství až p...
Cílem bakalářské práce je analýza vlády Konstantina Velikého a jeho vztahu ke křesťanství. Křesťanst...
This thesis explores the life and reign of Julian the Apostate the man who ruled over the Roman Empi...
From his Christian conversion under the influence of revelatory experiences outside Rome in A.D. 312...
Julian (Flavius Claudius Iulianus), called the Apostate, Roman emperor in the years 361–363, was one...
There are some unresolved problems concerning the life of the youngest son of Constantine the Great,...
ABSTRACT If we read the original sources written by the Christian apologists (Lactantius, Eusebius o...
This diploma thesis is devoted to the situation of Christians living in the Roman Empire in the firs...
This study has explored the changed relationship between the church and the Roman Empire between the...
It was the purpose of this dissertation to examine the origins and reasons for the Emperor Constanti...
The article is consecrated to Constantine’s conversion and to its consequences for the Church, for t...
RESUMEN: El en presente trabajo de final carrera he pretendido realizar un análisis bibliográfico so...
The Thesis "Philosophy and Early Christianity: Relationship Hellenism and Christianity in the works ...
Practicaly until today there haven’t appeared objectiv scientific works concerning begining and evol...